Wednesday, July 25, 2012

The Inter-Letters™ #28, 07/25/2012 (Wednesday). Ubiquitous (Ubiquité) : Une Question De TANKS!

): BREAKTHROUGH™ #47: War against Sexual Harassment in America. Katie Cassidy, hostage of the Obama Horror, the worst of the Human Trafficking that harass women worse than Hitler did to the Jews. But Nuremberg 2 is upcoming (in your theaters too). Putin will be also invited for a questions-answers about his respect of women and his hate against drugs.
The drugs cartels of Mexico are going to be calm down by the Medellin Cartel (Columbia) and the US Army (District of Columbia). In Mexico, this is obviously the result of an extreme violence, in fact against themselves, realized by professional of the most awful crimes, in the middle of a civil war caused by their competition as several mini-cartels are in war for the direction of the illegal drugs markets plus other black markets (arms, corruption prostitution, other products). In Columbia, there is still guys working for the distribution of cocaine worldwide. They are still located in Cali and in Medellin even if the founders of these two big corporate cartels are in jails or dead. They are not Ok with their Mexican cousins, restless and immature and fragile and killing bodies.  Consequently, it is the state of emergency in California (secretly decided by the Governor, probably) before a possible George W Bush kind of strike of the US Army to protect San Diego and the border, a sort of Iraq war in North America that we cannot prevent anymore if the President of Mexico does  not decide to call the United Nations for a Peace Plan to reduce this civil chaos on its territory, a destabilization of the United States. Our Eagle will have the last word. Why? Because the Mexicans want to extend the Sexual Harassment and the Human Trafficking in California, especially in the movie industry where there are the most beautiful girls in the world. Their value is extreme and the punishment of the gangs playing that business will be extreme too: (living) Hell.
): BLOCKBUSTER™ #47: The father of Mr. Obama must be evocated in order to hope that there will be a solution about the White House that his son must leave in January. It is not the Kenya in the US, we cannot accept leadership without morality (even if Africa in 2012 is not anymore corrupted by France or other European States).
Obama is still the same problem for our Country. His Obamacare is respectable but the second part of it is the Obamagate, the dark side of his plan for healthcare about treating citizens like consumers and employees, not like regular Americans of the XXth century. I believe in the dad of Barack Obama, a 100% African who passed away a long time ago to give us a Senior experience about what an Obama cares. He is close to African values and not occidental minds, we are not Europe but we are more occidental than Africal (a new word). In one word, truce, it is now that the campaign for the Presidency has to become wiser, lighter, brilliant and strategical. Romney is lost in the Midwest, preparing nothing really good for the future (us, Republicans, our duty is to express what is dysfunctional when it is a fact). Them, democrats with their masterminded President, they are looking for more good times at the White House but I am afraid it won't last forever. Mike Fuller, the name I am preferring is a name of consensus and tradition, arts and industries, money and fame without danger. So, the legend of Mike begins not in Tampa Bay but August 1st on this screen, the pirate media of the Intervision™, next the main expression of our American Communication. Wait and see.
): BRAMSTOCKER™ #47: Woman is more important than man and the half-sister of Barack is the right person to express it with a testimony about the real personality of her famous family member. Michelle Obama is the mastermind of her husband and she is accused of exciting him for more and more cultural violence and destruction of our independence. Human traffickers are like slaves dealers.
Maya, half-sister is a good example for our African American community. She is not rigid like her brother, she is not angry like him, she is not proud of herself like the man of Washington, the big boss we want to resign because she's smart and pure. African-Americans, don't accept your representation by a President worse than any other one in our history for the following reason: he is using you to get more authority and personal networking with the white and nothing for you back. You have to build your opinion about what he is doing 24/7 except blah blah blah: pictures of himself thanks to the TV and the Press that don't understand they are doing a mass propaganda against your community. We need a League of the African-Americans mixing democrats and republicans all together in a vision of America today about citizenship and opportunities the same for everybody. Obama is not a guy from the ghetto, not at all, he would say, so he is guilty to be the puppet of the Caucasians and obviously you are the victims of that. If Mike Fuller is elected in 12 at the supreme position, he will hire a BLACK CHIEF OF STAFF. I am this Mike and the African American's name on this Blog, August 1st.
): FRENCH POST™ #47: Paul McCartney wanted to rule the Earth, he will have another kind of Beatlesmania, the process to stop illegal drugs worldwide with a Ground Zero for Junkies.
Where is Linda McCartney? She passed away, we want to know what really happened in her life as there is a buzz about the bad temper of her ex-husband who is thinking he's the #1 hero of the VIPs of the Rock generation. A rock syndrome against rock' n roll itself, a music for women and against drugs still in progress thanks to my band BRAMSTOCKER™ still scheduling a first album, like the first man on the Moon, with a pure hard core quality. Hard core is not sexual but sensual and girls will decide what to do against Paul if he is guilty (of persecution like never before in humanity history). The music of The Beatles was against women and love, for a reality with slaves and boys using them for pleasure only, the pleasure of torture their body for sex only.
): THE NOISE (LE BRUIT)™ #47: La France a besoin d'un vrai patron pas de chômeurs au pouvoir.
Les femmes vont se révolter en France, elles en ont marre du droit de cuissage et de l'armée pour l'imposer. La mentalité de la population est inacceptable et elle doit changer, si nécessaire avec une loi spéciale bien plus forte que celle contre le harcèlement sexuel. Les hommes qui considèrent les femmes comme inférieurs et serviles parce qu'elles font des enfants sont des singes plus que des hommes et les singes ne doivent pas se sentir insultés par cette comparaison. Il faut instituer des classes de rééducation, comme celles qui existent aux Etats-Unis concernant les crises de colères qui se soignent avec les cours que l'on appelle d’ANGER MANAGEMENT. Cela doit être organisé très rapidement étant donné la nouvelle attaque du terrorisme sexuel dans notre pays, associé au phénomène Hollande qui a voulu concurrencer Sarkosy en matière d'attractivité de virilité publicitaire.
A non-profit EVIDENCE™ publishing. A TIMEFRAMES™ LLC publication by INTERVISION™.
Titles owner and Editor-in-Chief: Frederic Vidal.

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