Monday, July 23, 2012

The Inter-Letters™ #26, 07/21 - 22/2012 (Saturday-Sunday). We sent a man in Sweden.

): BREAKTHROUGH™ #45: Tampa, a Las Vegas on its own. The Republicans around Mitt Romney and Mike Fuller, Cantor and Eisenhower.
THE FIRST AMENDMENT. The Weapon License.
The firearm license must be like the Driving license WITH A PERMIT. For the revolvers, a moto type of license. For the gun, a car type of license. For a machine gun, like a truck. For a bazooka or a a big gun, a plane type of it.

Frédéric Vidal : "I want the NRA to prepare the text of this Law to be voted this year."
It seems better to authorize everybody to have a gun than the black market we manage not enough with the police right now. License to kill without exam is not a good license. License to kill without exam is not a good license. You have the right to protect yourself and to neutralize the guy who want to kill you. The reality is the contrary. It is about to change. The COLORADO LAW will invite and welcome all the Americans to have a gun if they accept to candidate for a license. Otherwise, not anymore gun without a family. Uncle Sam don't accept you to buy a gun without control. But if you accept this control, you really can appreciate your gun and protect our Country against the Terrorists, even if they have a US passport. Légitime défense, they call in France. SELF DEFENSE but for everybody. With the Mike Fuller Law, the American Dream won't be anymore a massacre sometimes but all the time a Win Win without bullets.

): BLOCKBUSTER™ #45: Vatican 2 in Hollywood. Blood and Champagne. Lies and redemption. Traite des blanches à Hollywood. What about the Pope to judge this ex-community? The Mexico Drug Gang insult the Mary Virgin.
In Mexico, the drug cartels supported by the State and not attacked by the DEA enough are preparing its domination of California. Our tanks will send them a reply soon if they don't stop. The reply is not a threat only but the definitive war against illegal drugs. The US Army has to be ready with a plan to go to Mexico City as soon of possible to control the Country like in Iraq or our kids will die thanks to the Heroin of the murderers of these gangs. Barack Obama must prepare this risk of independence end of our neighbor from Spain.

): BRAMSTOCKER™ #45: Gold Platinum. Let's call the DEA.
Mike Fuller's Gold Platinum™ is the result of a single object: to give to the readers and the moviegoers the anti-John Le Carré explanation about drugs and espionage. Le Carré is the worst novelist regarding the truth about everything. We have to know why he was so best-seller in his career. Probably thanks to you, audience that never use the Internet (tell them webbers /bloggers) because they are a part of the ancient times when nothing was possible and all the world obliged to be democratic in a bad way like the Democrats in America. So, let's wait until November and after the election of a Republican President, Obama will be interviewed about Le Carré, his mistakes in Afghanistan and his party campaign about IRS and dirty wars. Read the diagram about Gold Platinum™ and imagine the feature.

): FRENCH POST™ #45: Grace Kelly epitaph. Her Principality was Democratic (Party).
Grace Kelly was not a great Princess but not also a smart lady. The evidence of it is her WILL, her testimony. What is written there? Nobody knows right now and I think it must be released in order to be sure it is not criticized by her American family. The Kelly dynasty is also in the US, a part of the Elite without other ties than her with Royalty. So, Monaco is a drink in some hotels but a problem nowadays as there is a permanent conflict there between the Prince and his wife, not a US citizen. Albert, the Prince, is Grace Kelly's son, a 50 years old (approximately) boy promoting his "State" of French fiction with not a lot of reality. There, propaganda is the rule #1, no news when you're well-known and against the rule #2: friendship. The Internet civilization will give us the reply to Albert, a competitor of us (the Fuller family, Mike's leadership, "Also known As" kind of decided name, thank you, everybody): to calm down when your mother's was a copy of Marilyn Monroe and not the original as she preferred another career, with Louis the XVI, a king still popular in some clubs but against the Republic obviously. So Grace Monaco could have been your real name. The Kelly’s are done.

): THE NOISE (LE BRUIT)™ #45: Cartel de Médeline contre Cartel de la Drogue. La Victorine (Riviera Studios), programme de fermeture. Mon contentieux au Conseil Constitutionnel (candidature à l'élection présidentielle).
Je décide enfin de faire valoir mes droits concernant ma candidature. Elle a été refusée par Jean-Louis Debré par erreur, une erreur historique qui doit désormais rentrer dans les livres d'histoire après une bonne remise à niveau que j'attends pour le mois d'août. La Maison de la Chimie est le cadre approprié afin de réunir tous les intervenants pertinents pour la question de mon colloque relatif à Marilyn Monroe, 50 ans après. C'est crucial car j'ai déclaré ma candidature présidentielle refusé en même temps que j'ai pensé à la célébrer, ma victoire présidentielle, dans le 7e arrondissement le 5 août suivant le deuxième tour que j'aurais forcément gagné contre François ou contre Nicolas, Nicolas, je crois car Hollande aurait été distancé par moi au premier tour. Nicolas Sarkosy aurait été invité et bien congratulé car je l'aime pour sa qualité d'approche des débats (je lui aurai posé la question de savoir pourquoi il a voulu se représenter). Donc, écrivons à Debré et maintenons la Chimie en téléphonant à Hollande pour le convier à la journée américaine anti-Human Trafficking.

A non-profit EVIDENCE™ publishing. A TIMEFRAMES™ LLC publication by INTERVISION™.
Titles owner and Editor-in-Chief: Frederic Vidal.

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