Saturday, August 25, 2012

The Inter-Letters™ #5, Volume II, 08/23/2012 (Thursday). BRAMSTOCKER™, The Newsletter Of The Rock Generations, 7 Decades Including 1977 as A Popular Wave In Progress. This Issue Tells You Why?

The Inter-Letters™ #5, Volume II, 08/23/2012 (Thursday). BRAMSTOCKER™, The Newsletter Of The Rock Generations, 7 Decades Including 1977 as A Popular Wave In Progress. This Issue Tells You Why?

): BREAKTHROUGH™ #5-Vol II: A Write-In Candidacy to Promote The Internet.

This is a terrible time for the Internet and there is the danger of a death of our media or medium. This is a reality as the Web is American based since his creation with an ambition of international networking. It did not work so well. Facebook is criticized and HP is laying off. It is the reason why I propose my name to the polls for a Public Relations campaign about our role in the US Institutions: transparency. There is no future without the Internet according to Wall Street, the people who don't like us don't like their own business that is synchronized with us.

): BLOCKBUSTER™ #5-Vol II: A Write-In Candidacy against the Star System.

Too many stars in the political news. Pictures of them and statements are the daily face of our Presidential debate. This is exaggerated, the government question is not a spectacle, the Federation policy is not a subject for personal promotion of several famous leaders who are always searching more fame for their benefactors to be satisfied. This is the fault of the newspapers and the TV too, never accepting press conferences of newcomers and unknown beginners because they are attractive for the mass. Frederic Vidal candidacy will finish this system with a word: LIBERTY.

): BRAMSTOCKER™ #5-Vol II: A Write-In Candidacy for More Democracy.

Democracy in America, this is what we need, what is the most important since the 1960's and even before as minorities are not enough accepted in this free Country that we like so much. This Country has 50 States and our mission is to establish a network of clubs titled PRESIDENTIAL POWER, the power of the United States is the Presidency and the Congress follow the President for all his executive decisions including social matters for the poor, the young, the homeless, the unemployed, the immigrants and their children. More justice in America, it's more White House in charge of the population empowerment.

): FRENCH POST™ #5-Vol II: A Write-In Candidacy To Stop Obama Right Now.

Obama is the first African President at the White House. His father was a real African from Africa itself, so Barack is almost an immigrant. Our project is to invite him to continue his career in another activity than the Presidency, he does not appreciate so well this position and job, very complicated and not easy to manage. The program of Frederic Vidal candidacy is the impeachment of Barack Obama if he is elected a second time. There are too many mistakes that are very bad for our Nation and caused by his Administration.

): THE NOISE (LE BRUIT)™ #5-Vol II: Hollande en-dessous des 50%.

Hollande n'a plus la cote dans les sondages. Il le doit à son absence de politique car son prédécesseur socialiste, François Mitterrand, avait bien mis en garde les français et l'Etat : une fois élu, il s'est agi de réformer notre pays, de le rendre plus social, c'est-à-dire plus socialiste et fier de l'être. Sans rien faire, et en ne faisant rien d'autre que de suivre les dossiers en cours sans les ouvrir avec l'antériorité de son parti et de ses exemples illustres de gouvernements, François Hollande a perdu ses racines historiques et son éloquence qui n'est pas, finalement, une éloquence d'Etat.

Titles owner and Editor-in-Chief: Mike Fuller.

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