Friday, August 3, 2012

The Inter-Letters™ #35, (issues #54), 08/3/2012 (Friday). My Fictional Presidential Candidacy Name Is Mike Fuller With A Strategy Pro-Mitt Romney For The Reality But What About Mike's Fictional Program? Could Be In Reality Or Semi-Fictional.

The Inter-Letters™ #35, (issues #54), 08/3/2012 (Friday). My Fictional Presidential Candidacy Name Is Mike Fuller With A Strategy Pro-Mitt Romney For The Reality But What About Mike's Fictional Program? Could Be In Reality Or Semi-Fictional.

): BREAKTHROUGH™ #54: Mike Fuller, an American Name.

The American Nation is about Unity and a Dream to share of a continent of progress and modernity. Patriots know that as the reasons of the Constitution and to get this paradise in the reality, we have, first, to build it in our mind, a fiction becoming step by step a part of what is real. OUR IDEAL is our motivation, our objective, our target, it is our plan, our strategy. Perfection does not exist on Earth but we can improve our Planet and give it a way to represent what we really need: a message. Americans are the leaders of this attitude, Mike Fuller is the man who improves the spirituality of our elections.

): BLOCKBUSTER™ #54: Mike Fuller, Press Reporter.

The journalism is the great result of the democracy. In the United States, the newspapers and the news on TV are the contents that are fundamentals for the expression of the public opinion. The Internet's blogs and community sites are new ways to express yourself that are appreciable sending great texts in the network of the web, about feelings, ideas, information, projects together for more communication. Our ideology is not only capitalism but also the Bill of Rights, LIBERTY OF EXPRESSION, including the liberty to write opinions. Blogs when they are not personal but comments of the news can be welcomed to the Press Universe. Mike Fuller's blogs are pure journalism read by journalists.

): BRAMSTOCKER™ #54: Mike Fuller, Candidate of the Future.

Mike's is Frederic Vidal fictional and fictitious name, also said Pen name and AKA. Why? Because Frederic Vidal is a musician and an entrepreneur who is producing movies. He decided to have other activities with another name to express that it is not signed by his legal name and consequently connected to different forms of culture, businesses and organizations that are not included in his own career but the career of his pseudonym, a different person who can be imagined like a fiction inside the reality but Frederic Vidal controls this second name and prevents any kind of dysfunctional use of it. For government activities, Mike is ready to be candidate, he's just from the future that can be today.

): FRENCH POST™ #54: Mike Fuller, Novelist As a Social Worker.

Novelist is the first vocation of Mike Fuller, a person who wrote so many great stories published already on the Internet, from the French Cop™ in 2006 to Dual Dim™ in 2012. This is really a great thing to create a reality and characters and a relation between them from nothing else than your brain and your understanding of humans and the society. Mike has to be better known, his Web's fame is emblematic of this 2010's media, also because he is writing to send us advices and allegories about what is wrong and what is right for social modernization and justice.

): THE NOISE (LE BRUIT)™ #54: Mike Fuller, l'ami Américain.

Mike Fuller est mon nom aux Etats-Unis essentiellement mais il est aussi mon nom américain en France. Sous ce nom qui est mon pseudonyme, je signe tout ce qui ne concerne pas mes activités françaises d'origine. Ainsi, les choses sont claires en ce qui concerne mon passé (la France) et mon avenir (les Etats-Unis), le présent étant un mélange des deux. L'avenir, les Etats-Unis, j'entends par là, un pays qui est dans l'avenir, un futur constant à manier avec précaution, qu'il faut étudier et dont il faut tirer parti sans en être l'otage. En Amérique, je représente le Parti Républicain, en France le Pouvoir Présidentiel (nouveau parti). Au niveau artistique, je reste musicien en France d'abord et cinéaste romancier en Amérique. Dans les deux pays, je suis journaliste.

Titles owner and Editor-in-Chief: Frederic Vidal / Mike Fuller.

This Inter-Letters™ is a part of the campaign of Mitt Romney.

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