Tuesday, August 7, 2012

The Inter-Letters™ #37, (issues #56) 08/07/2012 (Tuesday). Romney-Fuller, Not A Love Story, A Fiction Work To Include In Reality In Order To Change The Deal: Obama Won't Stay President With These 2 Men (And A Woman: The Statue Of Liberty). Mitt And Mike, Not A Ticket, A Duet!

The Inter-Letters™ #37, (issues #56) 08/07/2012 (Tuesday). Romney-Fuller, Not A Love Story, A Fiction Work To Include In Reality In Order To Change The Deal: Obama Won't Stay President With These 2 Men (And A Woman: The Statue Of Liberty). Mitt And Mike, Not A Ticket, A Duet!

): BREAKTHROUGH™ #56: Mike Fuller's Letter Is Great.

We need a letter to tell us what is going on, my favorite signature is Mike Fuller. A letter is a message sent by somebody to somebody else. Its content is the reason why we can be optimistic about the evolution of the Republican story. Americans are in the middle of a Cultural Revolution and it was important to write it to Reince Priebus the very first days of July. Communication is natural and now the main object of our offensive to improve the Landn of the Free that is named AMERICA, our beloved 50 States of the Union. This program (COMMUNICATION AMERICA) is for Tampa and all the time.

): BLOCKBUSTER™ #56: A Wave Is Scheduled For September.

Romney, his name is historic and represents our project for the next four years: to realize a Federation that is not weak but as strong as ever. The perfection is difficult to find on Earth. There is always a little chaos but the plan is simple and the idea is unique: a teamwork to prepare the best government for the United States. They know that we can win and they respect this principle (the Democrats). Mike Fuller is our Joker, not a military on but a civic and patriotic name with its roots deep inside our glory and history since the first colonies with the support of Indians too. 2 names to fight for our rights, rights to modernize the administration and the ideology. New Republic.

): BRAMSTOCKER™ #56: Social is the word explaining Family and Solidarity.

Our dream is about money sometimes, house often, car probably, bank account, it's obvious: you can never have everything or enough to feel satisfied 100% but you can try to have not more but a lot of means to organize yourself for an enterprise that you want yours. Your life belongs to yourself only, you and your close parents. Your kids, your partner, your father and mother and the father and mother of your partner. Together, this is a group ready to act weekly following the rules of Mike Fuller: happiness, proximity and efficiency. Schools belong to kids and teenagers and companies to their dads and moms. The responsibles and managers love this social membership. Mitt Romney's presidency will be this reality for the entire Nation.

): FRENCH POST™ #56: GOP, 3 Letters to get the Power Key.

The Grand Old Party has a mission now: to invite the present generations of citizens in the US to a collective system missing before, a System of Thinking the Free World we are by making a monumental and spectacular COMEBACK to the 1950's, the civilization of the American Dream with leaders as Mitt Romney and guests like the novelist and journalist, also possible co-leader, Mr. Mike Fuller. 1950, the year that began a decade of fantastic Recovery for our marvelous Country with not enough fairy tales but fairy tales are fictional most of time. Let's believe in them for a transition from Fiction to Reality. Our Plan has to be so much ambitious like a novel. Results will be not fictional.

): THE NOISE (LE BRUIT)™ #56: Le Président est en vacances sans nous.

Le Président de la République n'est pas au-dessus des lois, il n'est pas un Roi ni quelqu'un d'intouchable que l'on ne peut pas critiquer. Je fais allusion au Président de la République française puisque cette cinquième lettre d'information hebdomadaire (Le Bruit™)avec parution quotidienne d'un article grâce à l'Inter-Lettres™ Wordpress concerne la France qui est en Europe et il n'y en a qu'une seule de France. Dans ce pays, nous n'avons pas d'Amérique mais un conflit à régler avec ceux que nous avons élu ce printemps et qui apparaissent sans volonté de réformes et détenteurs d'un Socialisme en panne pour le moment. Il y a crise et il faut l'expliciter.

Titles owner and Editor-in-Chief: Frederic Vidal / Mike Fuller.
This Inter-Letters™ is a part of the campaign of Mitt Romney.

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