Wednesday, August 15, 2012

The Inter-Letters™ #42 (issues # 61). 08/14/2012 (Tuesday). No Inter-Letters™ on Mondays. Today, The Complete List (Issue Index) Of All The Information Letters (Webletters, Webgrams) I have published Since The Start Of This Collection (June 1st) Of A New Genre About WEB PUBLISHING And Press Journalism! It Is Also A Blog Matter For You And Mike Fuller.

The Inter-Letters™ #42 (issues # 61). 08/14/2012 (Tuesday). No Inter-Letters™ on Mondays. Today, The Complete List (Issue Index) Of All The Information Letters (Webletters, Webgrams) I have published Since The Start Of This Collection (June 1st) Of A New Genre About WEB PUBLISHING And Press Journalism! It Is Also A Blog Matter For You And Mike Fuller.

): BREAKTHROUGH™ #42: Contract with America.

We need a Contract with America. Previously in the 1990's, the GOP signed this type of document with the Americans and got the White House in 2000 but first the Congress to vote the laws that were necessary. This time, we got the Congress in 2010. Two years later, the Presidency is welcoming us already even if the President does not agree with this idea. So, let's sign the contract with him. MR. OBAMA IS INVITED IN TAMPA BAY FOR THE REPUBLICAN CONVENTION in order to negotiate with us, the New Republicans, our Plan to Qualify the USA for the Business Competition that is a worldwide challenge to program as a prioritiy.

): BLOCKBUSTER™ #42: Republican Revolution.

The Revolution is not yet done. It began also in the last decade of the XXth century when Bill Clinton did not finish his second mandate properly, victim of the Monica Lewinsky scandal and a possible impeachment. The Republican Revolution is about ideology and government, we are conservative and we want to express our convictions in the mass medias, not like we did for the primary that was a race about personalities and not propositions.  PROPOSITIONS, CLEAR, SIMPLE, HUGE like Ronald Reagan (who was before 1962 a Democrat) found to seduce America. The objective is to get the right pressure in the opinion with MEASURES TO VOTE TO FOLLOW President's WILL. The President is a William F. Buckley, Jr propagator.

): BRAMSTOCKER™ #42: The Heritage Foundation.

Visit the website of the Heritage Foundation. This is a famous address where you can find what BRAMSTOCKER™ thinks and what its community does: Conservatism valuable for Republicans and also Democrats. This is a PHILOSOPHY, a "political and social philosophy that promotes retaining traditional institutions and supports, at most, minimal and gradual change in society." (Wikipedia). The band is the real leader regarding the new era in progress ABOUT THE COMEBACK OF THE 1950'S WITH THE VISION OF THE XXIst Century: ANTICIPATION.

): FRENCH POST ™ #42: Conservatism in the United States.

Liberalism and conservatism are together in the manifesto to write and sign by Mike Fuller. Liberty, equality, solidarity, this is the hendiatris ("figure of speech used for emphasis, in which three words are used to express one idea") to repeat and repeat again to oblige the social system to offer more opportunities to the citizens and the residents to work, build a house, raise children, refuse autoritarism, enjoy a great life in the US. This is not what is prepared by our parents, mayors have the duty to rationalize the conditions of the economy that is not a perfect justice between men and institutions.

): THE NOISE (LE BRUIT)™ #42: J'écris à la Vie Chrétienne.

Monsieur le Rédacteur-en-Chef, je vous prie de bien vouloir mener à bien une enquête concernant la composition du Gouvernement de Jean-Marc Ayrault qui me semble constitué en Holding Financière avec la presse. Ce mode de garantie présidentielle sur la est connu et remonte aux pires heures de la IIIe République sans que celle-ci puisse réaliser ce type de détournement des institutions du sommet de l'Etat. Un gouvernement commercial, tel est le sujet de dissertation que les étudiants en science politique doivent méditer afin de condamner l'utilisation par un  seul de sa renommée de candidat pour investir dans un recrutement ministériel de personnalités dévouées et redevables de leur nomination auprès de lui, François Hollande. Je reste votre dévoué, Frédéric Vidal. 

Mon article du 9 août. "Un bon exemple de ministre au “recrutement” qui n’a pas respecté l’indépendance et la souveraineté de l’Etat. Dans mon recours à la Haute Cour (article 67 de la Constitution), je demande que le Président de la République soit condamné pour manquement à ses devoirs manifestement incompatible avec l’exercice de son mandat concernant la composition du gouvernement dont Jean-Marc Ayrault est le Premier Ministre, le choix des ministres ayant été effectué sous influence excessive d’intérêts extérieurs à l’Etat (grandes écoles, Institut d’études politiques de Paris, réseaux et clubs socialistes)."

Titles owner and Editor-in-Chief: Frederic Vidal / Mike Fuller.

This Inter-Letters™ is a part of the campaign of Mitt Romney.

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