Thursday, September 15, 2011

Alert! New e-WORDS! Fred to the US Pres., B. Obama: "Hello President! I'm watching the first Socialist Party presidential debate on France 2, the public channel in France, and I will tell you my favorite candidate even if my ambition is to be supported by this party, the one of Francois Mitterrand, and the UMP too (more if possibe), as the candidate of the values of EVERY PARTY. At the same time, I am not satisfied (and not supported at all) by the French Show Biz in crisis and their music channels that express in their music videos some messages of decadence, racism, sexual obsession connected to drugs, anti-civism with a program of songs without solidarity but bad fun, because of the Country labels that are under-developed and frustrated to be French, by the way, they didn't succeed to have a national ambition, being too impressed by the British Rock and the famous US Sound that we like so much thanks to MTV! So let's prepare a BRAMSTOCKER album with the song I dedicated to you "(I am) your President of the States", a Folk melody and a Rock Punk music (guitar, bass, drums) to explain why there is a President of the United States and the United States itselves: TO MONITOR WHAT IS HAPPENING WHERE WE ARE meaning in America (and sometimes in Europe)! I will send you the audio file when ready, my coach in Politics, to stop Boehner's danger too!" Nice, 9:50pm, Thursday, September 15, 2011.

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