Saturday, February 26, 2011

WEBGRAM #1, 02/26/2011. Dissolution of the House of Representatives, control of the votes for the election of the Senators, November 2: this is what I propose to find a solution for the crisis! You have my choices for the Academy Awards on Facebook, let's the people choose who they want for the Congress in DC the same way, send an email to the President of the United States to support this project: MORE DEMOCRACY IN AMERICA! Right now, it's time for the vacation as March is the month of the Spring, day by day! AMENDMENT, the movie is my main goal before the Second Vote in California: I will be elected SENATOR before the end of the year 2011, bye bye Boxer, get back please and don't disturb us anymore! We need a break and no manipulation anymore! Yours, Frederic Vidal, PhD, president of the nationwide coalition for the Amendment and the Film inspired by it! The amendment: every American can run for the White House!

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