Sunday, February 27, 2011 Mohamed Ghannouchi, Tunisia Prime Minister, is resigning after the President Ben Ali January 14! When Nicolas Sarkosy will resign? The hysterical French President is responsible of the chaos in Tunisia like the chaos in his life with the diva Carla Bruni! Christian Estrosi, the mayor of Nice and his wife Dominique Sassone are the reason of this matrimonial mess! The Bin Laden fan club in France must include these 4 liars and roommates of the local establishment! John Boehner, Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama did nothing to support the Tunisian government, too much busy to follow the French in their suicidal tendencies and attitude in the middle-East! Boehner means happiness in French and sadness for our Country, he is a clown, specialist of anti-American propaganda! The US and French are lying to their readers about what is happening in the Arabian Countries! Al Qaeda is not back but collapsing definitely as its fame is the poison that destroy the dialogue between the population and the authorities!

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