The Inter-Letters™ #39 (issues #58). 08/09/2012
(Thursday). Deadline Is Over. The Elysian War Begins (Without
Guns But Press Communiques)! The Elysian Fields Are Ready For François Hollande
To Resign!
Nations are, first, fictionals, candidates are not but it can happen.
In France, there is a problem the recession. The
economy is worse and worse and it's time to stop this with a decision. This
decision must be a decision of the population to refuse to accept this group of
socialists unable to manage the Presidency and the Government. The population
is the most important in a democracy and they can inform the Nation that we are
there in the bad direction that goes to the past not the future. For now, the
United States must be close to this problem as we are the most important
partners of the Europeans. France is the historic leader of Europe, if France
is a chaos, Europe is in danger.
United Nations are created to prevent conflicts and wars.
The United Nations must be invited more often to
advice the governments of the Countries that are members. It is obvious that it
is not a tradition because the United Nations are an Organization not enough
respected, a concept created in the XXth century, still criticized by a lot of
diplomats believing in direct contacts between States. For Mitt Romney's
presidency, let's promote the idea of a permanent coordination with the United
Nations located in New York, New York, on the East Coast of the United States,
not a long way from Washington.
Mini-Feeling™ on Youtube.
The new single of BRAMSTOCKER™ is My Mini-Feeling™,
the song to be recorded for this week. This promotional diffusion
is expected to give to the band the conditions of their commercial career
breakthrough after a long time of nonprofit showcases. It is a composition by
Frederic Vidal as usual, the co-founder of the 35 years old band, with a Punk
rock melody sounding like Greenday and The Offspring. The lyrics are about Street
Marketing and a Rock Star attitude about the relationship Fans-Band that always
was good even fantastic but too secret and underground, never in the
): FRENCH POST™ #58: La
Liberté contre la Censure.
From the Moon To Earth, revenons sur Terre. Contre
le Fanatisme qui est le contraire de la République et de la démocratie telle
que nous la connaissons et l'apprécions pour le respect de nos libertés et de
nos droits de l'homme et de la femme. Libre arbitre est la devise de la Terre.
Pour les totalitarismes, le passé les a rejoint, qu'il s'identifient eux-mêmes.
La NASA a envoyé un robot sur Mars pour nous faire comprendre que nous ne
sommes pas seul au monde. Le message de notre système solaire, c'est la
pluralité des planètes, chacune a son opinion. Il faut laisser libre les gens
de penser. Sinon on est sur la lune.
): THE NOISE (LE BRUIT)™ #58: La
criminologie aide à comprendre la pratique constitutionnelle 2012.
faut enquêter sur l'élection présidentielle pour savoir ce qu'il s'est passé en
ce qui concerne de possibles détournements de réglementation électorale. Il y a
beaucoup d'autres aspects concernant l'élection de François Hollande qu'il faut
soumettre à la justice au plus tôt afin que nous puissions envisager la sortie
du blocage actuel. Après quelques semaines de procédures, la démission sera le
meilleur choix possible pour le Président s'il ne peut se justifier à propos de
ce qui lui est reproché : l'excès de pouvoir généralisé.
Titles owner and Editor-in-Chief:
Frederic Vidal / Mike Fuller.
This Inter-Letters™ is a part of the campaign of Mitt Romney.
This Inter-Letters™ is a part of the campaign of Mitt Romney.
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