Friday, August 3, 2012

The Inter-Letters™ #34 (issues #53), 08/2/2012 (Thursday). A Treasure Is A Public State, Is A Land Of Nature And City. Humans Walk To It And Live All Around The Borders That Separate Our States (50) From The Others. In France, This Is The Desert Of The Summer In Paris (Out Of Town Mode)!

The Inter-Letters™ #34 (issues #53), 08/2/2012 (Thursday). A Treasure Is A Public State, Is A Land Of Nature And City. Humans Walk To It And Live All Around The Borders That Separate Our States (50) From The Others. In France, This Is The Desert Of The Summer In Paris (Out Of Town Mode)!

): BREAKTHROUGH™ #53: Cigarettes Are Too Much Criticized.

This could be a solution for a change in the atmosphere of the social mood in America to vote a new Law giving the opportunity to the employees and the workers to smoke in their office like before. The rules could be to plan SMOKER FLOORS in the building and also to propose a Smoking Deal regarding the number of cigarettes to smoke on location (5 or 10, for example). A QUALITY CIRCLE in every corporation and company is, in this project, the good adviser for the system to be found. Can this reform happen?

): BLOCKBUSTER™ #53: The Department of Treasury Is Vital.

This is the most important organization of the Country. It does not need a reform but more respect. The Department of Treasury is vital as the Federation is the entity that manages so many services for the whole population, sometimes not enough supported by the 50 States. The Treasury is the treasury of all Americans, they are proud and responsible of it. The Budget of the Federal State is the document voted by the Congress that organizes the credits available for justice and welfare, administration and army. Budget and Treasury are two parts of the same reality: public money finances our US institutions.

): BRAMSTOCKER™ #53: American Dollar is A Global Currency.

The dollar is our everyday bill. There is only one currency in the United States and we know how it is important for our progress. In Europe Euro is very young, a money of the XXIst Century and the other Countries outside Europe have also their own currency. It is not good to hate this fact, anarchy is not possible, currencies are necessary. Credit cards change nothing. Everybody must be ready to accept this basic truth that you can't succeed without a strategy of being richer, to stop poverty, it is the best medication. To share is also good, dollar helps for that. If you're enough richer, think about a gift.

): FRENCH POST™ #53: To Pay The Taxes And To Receive Federal Mediation.

Taxes are not popular, everybody is not afraid of the IRS but some really don't want to see the IRS as your best and crucial associate for a smart management of your private, personal and family budget yearly. The Internal Revenue Service and the other federal and State directions that are in touch with the citizens and the residents to receive money from them to pay any kind of taxes are nice and useful as they are the control that is natural. Without controls, no liberty. On the other hand, things that are problems around you will be solved by federal mediation (intermediaries).

): THE NOISE (LE BRUIT)™ #53: L'Escrime est l'exemple d'un Sport qui inspire l'Etat.

J'ai commencé par l'escrime avant de jouer de la guitare dans BRAMSTOCKER™. J'aime ce sport et je trouve qu'il symbolise les relations entre une majorité et une opposition dans un régime parlementaire, même celui de la Ve République qui est aussi un régime semi-Présidentiel. Le fleuret est le meilleur, mieux que l'épée ou le sabre, pour bien comprendre cette comparaison. On l'utilise pour toucher l'adversaire, pas le mettre au sol comme au Judo. Au Parlement aussi, il est question de s'affronter sur le vote des lois et la responsabilité du gouvernement. C'est la compétition.

Titles owner and Editor-in-Chief: Frederic Vidal / Mike Fuller.

This Inter-Letters™ is a part of the campaign of Mitt Romney.

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