The Inter-Letters™ #3, Volume II,
08/21/2012 (Tuesday). BREAKTHROUGH™, The Newsletter Of The Future Living Today.
This Issue Tells You Why?
): BREAKTHROUGH™ #3-Vol II: From the Man on the Moon to the Rover on
Breakthrough™ is Mike Fuller's publication about
future now. What is happening today that can be crucial tomorrow is what is
important to tell to our readers. News are the daily priority of the people who
decide to be leaders and not followers. If you prefer to follow, you are also
welcomed to this brand new Letter, a confidential package of writings to be
well known little by little thanks to Wordpress and upcoming Breakthrough™'s
blog and website. Today is now, the future begins in a minute and it will be
your present today too. This newsletter has a monthly content with a daily
article writing.
): BLOCKBUSTER™ #3-Vol II: To Be or Not to Be in Tampa.
A lot of us don't go to Tampa, Florida. We are a
Nation of 314,201,000 persons, the third population in the world after China
and India. So many people are not involved in our Convention enough. TV will
diffuse it but we must do better: a permanent Tampa in September to organize
our victory with the mass of our troops outside Florida. Let's invite all the
Republicans in every State for a State convention, a Tampa system of networking
to be sure to beat Obama in November, the first Tuesday of the month. So,
Welcome to Your Tampa.
): BRAMSTOCKER™ #3-Vol II: Rock and Real Estate, legacy of the
Flower Power.
The roots of our program are back in the 1960's in
California when there was a dream of peace and happiness from San Francisco to
San Diego. The other States were connected to this huge feeling of power
without violence and the young population was preparing the best, being ready
for the worst: unemployment and no real estate property. BRAMSTOCKER in 1977
sends the good news: rock is no longer a living music with an ideology, welcome
to the Metal and bye show biz. Now, memories and bands playing oldies with new
titles are a part of our reality, the main part for citizenship and social
action, to improve the federation and the local government.
): FRENCH POST™ #3-Vol II: September, Fourth Month Of Newsletters.
Every day of the week (except Mondays) with a Saturday
and Sunday edition for the weekend, the newsletters of Mike Fuller are a
program of communication for the Webbers and outside the Internet thanks to the
Blog Culture. Now, the letters are more independent with their own websites
upcoming this week and a mini-blog for each one on Wordpress. This is a new
trend, fashionable for the reporters and the readers on screen: small nice
little articles and ideas, we mean, ideas in the texts, explaining projects and
objectives for modernization and reform.
THE NOISE (LE BRUIT)™ #3-Vol II: Martine Aubry contre le
doit quitter la direction du Parti Socialiste cet automne et se plaint de la politique
menée par ceux qui ont été élus et nommés grâce à elle. Elle, une grande dame
de la politique, a d'autres ambitions, je l'espère, que de tenir tête à
l'actuelle direction de l'Etat qui n'est pas de toutes les façons un pouvoir en
tant que tel mais une autorité assumée dans le respect des principes des lois
de la République. Ainsi, Madame Aubry a toutes les chances de devenir Premier
ministre après Monsieur Ayrault car la Démocratie est l'arbitre des
gouvernements et de leurs Présidents.
Titles owner and Editor-in-Chief:
Mike Fuller.
This Inter-Letters™ is a part of the campaign of Mitt Romney.
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