Saturday, July 14, 2012

The Inter-Letters™ #21, 07/14 - 15/2012 (Saturday - Sunday). Special 14th of July (Bastille Day). Pour Le Meilleur Est Leur Devise.

La lettre entière :

): BREAKTHROUGH™ #40: Bastille Question of Day.
This is Bastille Day. It is paradoxical to celebrate National Day for the commemoration of the collapse of a jailhouse that was also a citadel in Paris. This is definitely it, the French are insurrectional or they are not. In the United States, 4th of July has another signification but you know more about it and it was 10 days before like 1789 is not 1776, another monument. We cannot continue to pray and congratulate the souvenirs of another Revolution as we deny the historicity of what we are doing. The conservative revol is next to come and not too far away, it's also the one of the democratics.

): BLOCKBUSTER™ #40: Bastille 2 has no special Day to remember it yet.
Mitt Romney is not mediatically feeling well. Pour le 14 Juillet, prenons ensemble le contrôle de la Bastille des médias, une bâtisse à conquérir. In the 2 Pays, Country code is CNN, it is a pity. Nevertheless, promotional events are still going on and appreciated like Tampa Bay Festival late August and the New York Stock Exchange everyday. To get the Bastille down one more time and set the media free with more information, a collection of positive infos, I am about to offer a deal to these coalition of titles and diffusion networks jointly: let's meet (each other) and participate in this trial of things, a mutual construction, a Lego that is just about to be. Please, accept, knocking on your door, or TESTIFY.

): BRAMSTOCKER™ #40: Music of the Bastille still playing this Day loudly.
The horrors of the XXth Century just finished at the beginning of the following Siecle and New York still the place where this happened for us clearly, a message of mourning of those impressions about invincibility. The echoes of the French Revolution aren't the same than the American one. They were dangerously criticizing themselves by murdering the King and the avantgarde of their political assembly (Guillotine). Maintenant, BRAMSTOCKER™ has the same solution for our problem but without destruction, we are not the heroes of our own destiny, we walk on the path of the dream of our parents, lightly, without enough destination, this direction has to be strongly explained: to the right of the Sun, the Collectivity (to the left is a Planet without compatibility, Communism).

): FRENCH POST™ #40: For Bastille Day, Not Anymore Monarchy.
Objects have no children, they multiply themselves and its created industry even if Art is a part of it. Believe in this essential fact, human beings are ephemere. This was the case for Royalty in France and it is until now the worst French reality: they are difficult with the solidity of their Institutions. It is a small Country, proud of it ancestors but not able to keep the perspective that made them the negators of any kind of Monarchy. Frenchship has a lot to understand about the cycles of Power concluding nowadays the Vth Republic, to be better known anyway. No more Dynasty there, even a democracy kind of father-son continuity. Europe is the theater of this spectacle Paris, a Museum to visit, for Americans too.

): THE NOISE (LE BRUIT)™ #40: Un 14 Juillet pour l'Armée.
L'Armée française doit être capable d'intervenir quelquesoit le lieu de destination du conflit, de par le monde, en urgence, pour se rendre maître de la situation en des normes militaires et nous devons nous rendre compte si c'est le cas, dans la mesure du possible en organisant des exercices militaires, en mer comme à l'étranger avec l'accord d'autres Etats concernés, des grandes manoeuvres pacifiques à prévoir pour l'été suivant celui où nous mettrons au point en détails le programme (2013 ou 2014). C'est une idée brillante en matière de préparation à la Défense nationale car mieux vaut sévir que faiblir et nous somme prêts à relever tout défi se présentant si nous sommes suffisamment entraînés. Sans ennemi, celui-ci sera fictif, mais non pas imaginaire (un négatif théorique) et l'Afghanistan sera la référence passée d'une guerre réelle qui est plus celle d'un maintien de l'ordre dans le pays concentré. C'est aussi un moyen de tenir à distance le terrorisme.

A non-profit EVIDENCE™ publishing. A TIMEFRAMES™ LLC publication by INTERVISION™.

Titles owner and Editor-in-Chief: Frederic Vidal.

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