Saturday, June 30, 2012 Music Guest: DEF LEPPARD. SITEBOOK: The INTER-LETTERS™ 12 Extra Supplement (07/3/2012, Tuesday): SPECIAL DUAL#DIM™! A non-profit EVIDENCE™ publishing (édition). A TIMEFRAMES™ LLC publication by INTERVISION™. Titles owner and Editor-in-Chief: / Propriétaire des titres et rédacteur-en-chef : Fréderic Vidal. Sous l'égide du projet de Secrétariat d'Etat aux Affaires Litigieuses (SEAL), under the aegis of the Secretary of State for Litigious Affairs (SSLA) project. SITEBOOK: Music Guest: DEF LEPPARD. The INTER-LETTERS™ 12 Extra Supplement (07/2/2012, Tuesday): SPECIAL DUAL#DIM™! A non-profit EVIDENCE™ publishing (édition). A TIMEFRAMES™ LLC publication by INTERVISION™. Titles owner and Editor-in-Chief: / Propriétaire des titres et rédacteur-en-chef : Fréderic Vidal. Sous l'égide du projet de Secrétariat d'Etat aux Affaires Litigieuses (SEAL), under the aegis of the Secretary of State for Litigious Affairs (SSLA) project. SiteBook FREDERIC VIDAL, réalité et fictions (Victorine) is up: A Nice movie Studio: INTERVISION, LEGISLATIVE, LITIGIEUSES, REALISATION, SOCIALMEDIA, COORDONNEES, 6 Sounds / Stages of 11 letters for the Web. "La Victorine II" by Mike Fuller: A TIMEFRAMES™ / BRAMSTOCKER™ publishing! An INTER-LETTERS™ Extra Supplement! ): THE NOISE (LE BRUIT)™ 29: Pas de trêve estivale pour la politique en France qui doit retrouver ses racines Ve République. Je m'inquiète pour la République, notre France est trop attachée à ce mot (et pas uniquement dans les dictionnaires comme sur Wikipedia). Ca dépend de beaucoup de choses qu'un pays soit trop assimilé à un régime politique et je veux y croire que François Hollande saura nous faire oublier qu'il est des fois bien trop socialiste et pas assez principalement Président / de tous les français même les plus UMP et les inconditionnels FN (Front National) qui sont aussi sous sa dépendance car, comme (sous) De Gaulle, l'Elysée est décisionnel, toujours maintenant, pour des tas de questions et des ordonnances, décréts, arrêtés, mesures exceptionnelles (article 16) aussi quand nécessaire, UN POUVOIR DE SIGNATURE. Le Prés., devrions-nous dire, est une notion que je compte étudier, plus que jamais, moi-même ayant l'ambition, prochainement (2017, avant si démission ?) d'y participer, en tant que Lead. Après élection, bien sûr. The INTER-LETTERS™ 10. 06/29/2012 (Friday / Vendredi). Charles de Gaulle as The Antidote Of The Contestation Against Me, America (is) One! A non-profit EVIDENCE™ publishing (édition). A TIMEFRAMES™ LLC publication by INTERVISION™. Titles owner and Editor-in-Chief: / Propriétaire des titres et rédacteur-en-chef : Frederic Vidal. Sous l'égide du projet de Secrétariat d'Etat aux Affaires Litigieuses (SEAL), under the aegis of the Secretary of State for Litigious Affairs (SSLA) project. ): FRENCH POST™ 29: The circulaire of Frederic Vidal to the music major companies and labels is this Summer's event. I will call WARNER RECORDS this Month (July) to exchange with them some news (and information) about what they doin' and how to connect with it. They are the Top for me, I would have conceived my second a Album in 1979, ROUTE 99™ as a part of their catalogue but it was Science Fiction, too late, but never too when this is all about a tragic Fairy Tale (my SLIPKNOT sensibility ofr Life, my jurisprudence at me is BAND). Consequently, I show you their Logo(type) and I cross the fingers to be a part of this great Warner Studios family like... Bugs Bunny! I title it a BUGS BUNNY CIRCULAIRE to be diffused to other companies. The INTER-LETTERS 10. 06/29/2012 (Friday / Vendredi). Charles de Gaulle as The Antidote Of The Contestation Against Me, America (is) One! A non-profit EVIDENCE™ publishing (édition). A TIMEFRAMES™ LLC publication by INTERVISION™. Titles owner and Editor-in-Chief: / Propriétaire des titres et rédacteur-en-chef : Frederic Vidal. Sous l'égide du projet de Secrétariat d'Etat aux Affaires Litigieuses (SEAL), under the aegis of the Secretary of State for Litigious Affairs (SSLA) project. ): BRAMSTOCKER™ 29: The Line-Up of the Band is not the same than in 1977 for several reasons. My 3 roommates (1977) in this House that called BRAMSTOCKER™ a lot of dudes, thinking about Dracula, are probably definitively out of town or against the band revival / reunion or wanting to do the band without me (later)! I will ask. Anyway, they older and I feel the same, so I let it go with upcoming nex line-up in Heavy Rotation (to be cited soo and fast). This is a major event or not because the musicians are not the Group and the Group is a Concept by itself, an ORCHESTRA (with its own Repertoire). Punk. The INTER-LETTERS 10. 06/29/2012 (Friday / Vendredi). Charles de Gaulle as The Antidote Of The Contestation Against Me, America (is) One! A non-profit EVIDENCE™ publishing (édition). A TIMEFRAMES™ LLC publication by INTERVISION™. Titles owner and Editor-in-Chief: / Propriétaire des titres et rédacteur-en-chef : Frederic Vidal. Sous l'égide du projet de Secrétariat d'Etat aux Affaires Litigieuses (SEAL), under the aegis of the Secretary of State for Litigious Affairs (SSLA) project. ): BLOCKBUSTER™ #29: Study of Frank Capra's movie MR. SMITH GOES TO WASHINGTON. A symbol for me of the democratic movie that gives a sense to your opinion. Republican, I can understand the meaning of it that is also the Republic. It was important for my Trip to Frisco and following year Sacramento when / as I was a PhD (a delegate of my Hollywood to be candiate for the US Senate) like Smith, Stewart, Capra, all the ones who believe in Constitution. The study / watching of the (feature) film can help all of you to prepare Tampa (or Charlotte - the Dems Convention). The best is to Youtube the movie (available here). The INTER-LETTERS #10. 06/29/2012 (Friday / Vendredi). Charles de Gaulle as The Antidote Of The Contestation Against Me, America (is) One! A non-profit EVIDENCE™ publishing (édition). A TIMEFRAMES™ LLC publication by INTERVISION™. Titles owner and Editor-in-Chief: / Propriétaire des titres et rédacteur-en-chef : Frederic Vidal. Sous l'égide du projet de Secrétariat d'Etat aux Affaires Litigieuses (SEAL), under the aegis of the Secretary of State for Litigious Affairs (SSLA) project. ): BREAKTHROUGH™ 29: How to stop Obama viral marketing on the Web and in town. We must organize a Fest in Tampa to be happy, first. Together, a million, we will forget the bad side of the politics and, more than everything else the Obaman obsession /oppression. A full town of friends and mates singing and dancing ensemble all round the Bay and until Saint Petersburg, the next local city (and famous worldwide with its homonymy with the Russian ville called during the USSR Stalingrad). So, A SUMMIT, Gingrich, Romney, Paul and Santorum plus the thousands of Delegates and us, Mike Fuller, for a vast talking show with no camera at all when possible, meaning all the time CASUAL. The INTER-LETTERS 10. 06/29/2012 (Friday / Vendredi). Charles de Gaulle as The Antidote Of The Contestation Against Me, America (is) One! A non-profit EVIDENCE™ publishing (édition). A TIMEFRAMES™ LLC publication by INTERVISION™. Titles owner and Editor-in-Chief: / Propriétaire des titres et rédacteur-en-chef : Frederic Vidal. Sous l'égide du projet de Secrétariat d'Etat aux Affaires Litigieuses (SEAL), under the aegis of the Secretary of State for Litigious Affairs (SSLA) project. The INTER-LETTERS 10. 06/29/2012 (Friday / Vendredi). Charles de Gaulle as The Antidote Of The Contestation Against Me, America (is) One! A non-profit EVIDENCE™ publishing (édition). A TIMEFRAMES™ LLC publication by INTERVISION™. Titles owner and Editor-in-Chief: / Propriétaire des titres et rédacteur-en-chef : Frederic Vidal. Sous l'égide du projet de Secrétariat d'Etat aux Affaires Litigieuses (SEAL), under the aegis of the Secretary of State for Litigious Affairs (SSLA) project.

Friday, June 29, 2012 PREVIEW WORDPRESS: The Inter-Letters: 10. 06/29/2012 (Friday). Charles de Gaulle as The Antidote Of The Contestation Against Me, America (is) One! )! BREAKTHROUGH™ 29: How to stop Obama viral marketing on the Web and in town. ): BLOCKBUSTER™ 29: Study of Frank Capra's movie MR. SMITH GOES TO WASHINGTON. ): BRAMSTOCKER™: 29: The Line-Up of the Band is not the same than in 1977 for several reasons. ): FRENCH POST™: 29: The circulaire of Frederic Vidal to the music major companies and labels is this Summer's event. ): THE NOISE (LE BRUIT)™: 29: Pas de trêve estivale pour la politique en France qui doit retrouver ses racines Ve République. This Inter-Letters™ is dedicated to: Frank Capra. A non-profit EVIDENCE™ publishing. A TIMEFRAMES™ LLC publication by INTERVISION™. Titles owner and Editor-in-Chief: Frederic Vidal. Sous l'égide du projet de Secrétariat d'Etat aux Affaires Litigieuses (SEAL),
under the aegis of the Secretary of State for Litigious Affairs (SSLA) project. ): THE NOISE (LE BRUIT)™: Houphouët-Boigny, le contraire de l'autoritarisme d'un Barack Obama, n'est pas Xavier Bertrand, l'ancien ministre sans intérêt de la droite 2007-2012. Le pouvoir américain est intéressé par la France et nous devons lutter contre tout risque d'ingérence. Je suis le garant, étant binational, d'un équilibre politique entre les deux pays. Même si Washington cherche à me nuire avec un président-candidat qui n'accepte pas la contradiction. Il doit être battu ne novembre par Mitt Romney à moins qu'un autre soit nommé par la convention de Tampa du Parti Républicain, car Mitt, mauvais dans les sondages, est faiblard en termes de lutte contre l'hégémonie idéologique et d'image de la star noire de la politique US en matière de conservatisme présenté comme une réforme démocrate. A non-profit EVIDENCE™ publishing. A TIMEFRAMES™ LLC publication by INTERVISION™. Titles owner and Editor-in-Chief: Frederic Vidal. INTER-LETTERS™ 6/28/2012. On Wordpress: ): FRENCH POST™: Critic of the American Press. The US newspapers live the end of their stardom before the Intervision™. Their articles have to change to explain the 2010's not the previous century. They will not be on the INTERVISION™ if they continue to think alone. The New York Times is printing bad news about our victory, the Washington Post is not the great one of the Watergate but a local zine sleeping with fake dreams about Europe. The Los Angeles Times is not sold elsewhere, this means a wrong distribution. A non-profit EVIDENCE™ publishing. A TIMEFRAMES™ LLC publication by INTERVISION™. Titles owner and Editor-in-Chief: Frederic Vidal. INTER-LETTERS™ 6/28/2012. On Wordpress: ): BRAMSTOCKER™: There must be a project Against Linkin Park, the band that is not anymore a member of the Rock'n Roll family, even if they are the victims of the District of Columbia system, leaded by the candidate of the Democrats, previously senator of Illinois. Their new album is show biz and not rock, against Tampa and the underground culture. Just a money deal? An Obama fan club, a possible anti-social philosophy? Take care about the propaganda against BRAMSTOCKER™ in the US, it is a sign of decline of our civilization. A non-profit EVIDENCE™ publishing. A TIMEFRAMES™ LLC publication by INTERVISION™. Titles owner and Editor-in-Chief: Frederic Vidal. INTER-LETTERS™ 6/28/2012. On Wordpress: ): BLOCKBUSTER™: Quel nouveau film pour la fin de l'année ? Préparons le sujet "Obama ne saura jamais plus président des Etat-Unis." ONE TERM ONLY, cela ferait-il un bon film ou les scénaristes seront-ils traités de delusional (on traite trop souvent de fous les artistes et les activistes culturels aux USA), c'est-à-dire de fantasque ? L'armée américaine donne le mauvais exemple, semble-t-il, avec un moral au plus bas et un état d'esprit anti-participatif concernant le social et la collectivité du pays. Dans les casernes, il faut relancer le goût pour le SERVICE PUBLIC et la défense du terrritoire. J'en reparlerai dans ce projet de scénario où REPUBLICAIN veut dire renouveau. A non-profit EVIDENCE™ publishing. A TIMEFRAMES™ LLC publication by INTERVISION™. Titles owner and Editor-in-Chief: Frederic Vidal. INTER-LETTERS™ 6/28/2012. On Wordpress:

Thursday, June 28, 2012 ): BREAKTHROUGH™: Bush-Obama, the totalitarism continues against the teenagers and the population. The Human Trafficking is having a new start. The White House is looking like a mess with a presidential family disorder. Barbara Boxer, the senator in charge of a ruined California, is one of the leaders of this program of prevention of the new culture. The anti-program is a Fuller plan to be back in time to have a new morning of great history feedbacks about France and America. Newt Gingrich (somebody who needed the presidency to be back in the 50's) never understood the continent and the Republicans must follow Mike, their new ideologist. Mitt Romney, a man and a kid at the same time, is not the candidate we want, he is the spokesperson of the medias. A non-profit EVIDENCE™ publishing. A TIMEFRAMES™ LLC publication by INTERVISION™. Titles owner and Editor-in-Chief: Frederic Vidal. INTER-LETTERS™ 6/28/2012. On Wordpress:

Wednesday, June 27, 2012 ): THE NOISE (LE BRUIT)™ 27: Qu'en est-il des relations franco-allemandes ? Elles seront sereines quand l'Euro se portera mieux mais est-il vraiment malade ? De quoi souffrerait-il ? Le poids de la Dette, la dette publique des Etats ou la dette privée des ménages en agrégat national par Etat ? Chaque terme doit être bien défini et je ne crois pas que l'Euro soit mourant. Le couple franco-allemand représente la rencontre de notre Président François Hollande avec la Chancelière Angela Merkel d'Allemagne et c'est à eux de savoir ce qu'il est possible de faire, très vite si l'Euro est en danger mais je ne le pense pas. A non-profit EVIDENCE™ publishing. A TIMEFRAMES™ LLC publication by INTERVISION™. Titles owner and Editor-in-Chief: Frederic Vidal. INTER-LETTERS™ 6/27/2012. On Wordpress: ): THE NOISE (LE BRUIT)™ 27: Qu'en est-il des relations franco-allemandes ? Elles seront sereines quand l'Euro se portera mieux mais est-il vraiment malade ? De quoi souffrerait-il ? Le poids de la Dette, la dette publique des Etats ou la dette privée des ménages en agrégat national par Etat ? Chaque terme doit être bien défini et je ne crois pas que l'Euro soit mourant. Le couple franco-allemand représente la rencontre de notre Président François Hollande avec la Chancelière Angela Merkel d'Allemagne et c'est à eux de savoir ce qu'il est possible de faire, très vite si l'Euro est en danger mais je ne le pense pas. A non-profit EVIDENCE™ publishing. A TIMEFRAMES™ LLC publication by INTERVISION™. Titles owner and Editor-in-Chief: Frederic Vidal. INTER-LETTERS™ 6/27/2012. On Wordpress: ): FRENCH POST™ 27: X-9™, a cousin of Vincent Sauvan™. A new character is about to appear in the FRENCH COP™ universe, he's a secret agent of a new kind and a creation of Frederic Vidal like the whole cast of this universe. X-9™ has one target that is the dysfunctional guys doing espionage against their country. He is not a super hero but a super villain hero, a nice guy being also a bad guy when necessary. His tradition is the comics and the reality of the 1940's, the war and the culture of some classical environment almost not changed since the beginning the century. X-9™ is not dangerous by himself, he has a team of young men and women networking around his own group of interlocutors. A script? A plot next week, obviously. A non-profit EVIDENCE™ publishing. A TIMEFRAMES™ LLC publication by INTERVISION™. Titles owner and Editor-in-Chief: Frederic Vidal. INTER-LETTERS™ 6/27/2012. On Wordpress: ): BRAMSTOCKER™ 27: The absolute power is not a solution. Vampires of the XXIst century: there must be some vampires there. I suppose it is the people we elect sometimes to the main positions and they want the power for themselves. Members of the Congress, President, First Lady, they all can be victims of this syndrom, the Dracula problem, to take our energy and our appetite for freedom in order to manage their tendency for absolute power. BRAMSTOCKER™ philosophy is to control the power, the persons who direct the States worldwide for them not to become new Draculas, personalities who need the blood to survive. Blood is not the vote, it is the entire life of the citizens and it is not possible, we want not to be sucked. So, it is the reason why we changed a little his name but we selected the name of this semi-fiction (Dracula, a fantasy?) author: Abraham Stoker changed in BRAMSTOCKER™ to symbolize our purpose about Music and Liberty. A non-profit EVIDENCE™ publishing. A TIMEFRAMES™ LLC publication by INTERVISION™. Titles owner and Editor-in-Chief: Frederic Vidal. INTER-LETTERS™ 6/27/2012. On Wordpress: ): BLOCKBUSTER™ 27: AMENDMENT™, a movie about Improving the Constitution. I wrote this synopsis in Los Angeles before to move in France and I began the casting with a lot of pleasure and replies of actors and actresses thanks to BACKSTAGE, the indie movie weekly magazine. This is all about a team of people helping each other to be more numerous in order to be a crowd in the Washington mall. So, this is a positive view of the situation regarding this film we must invite this year in Nice to be a part of the list of the motion pics to produce. European audience like a lot the history of the USA and we have the chance to be ready to invite the greatest actors in Nice, at the Victorine Studios for a shooting when the screenplay will be finished. A non-profit EVIDENCE™ publishing. A TIMEFRAMES™ LLC publication by INTERVISION™. Titles owner and Editor-in-Chief: Frederic Vidal. INTER-LETTERS™ 6/27/2012. On Wordpress: ): BREAKTHROUGH™ 27: From the Supreme Court to the Population, The Capitole is the headquarters of the Laws. This is my letter to the Judge John G. Roberts, President of the U.S. Supreme Court for the United States during my winter-summer stay. I did not receive one reply but maybe it is because I sent it by email (electronic mail on the site of the Court). It is important to know if these messages appear important or not for the supreme judges. If not, it is not good as everyone needs a reply. Anyway, "I know the rule about being born American" and I will back in Tampa in August (in January I landed Miami, Florida) and one more time, I will call Mr. Roberts, this time on the phone in (and a certified mail). A non-profit EVIDENCE™ publishing. A TIMEFRAMES™ LLC publication by INTERVISION™. Titles owner and Editor-in-Chief: Frederic Vidal. INTER-LETTERS™ 6/26/2012. On Wordpress: In French, read it to enjoy your 2nd Country words. ): THE NOISE (LE BRUIT)™: Mon Secrétariat d'Etat (aux Affaires Litigieuses)™, je le vois à l'hôtel de Castries, à Paris bien sûr, entre l'Elysée et Matignon, en bonne relation courante avec les autres ministères et un spécial feeling pour l'Assemblée Nationale du grand Bartolone qui vient d'être élu Président grâce à mon appoint meaning j'étais pour et pas le seul. Car à l'Assemblée, les lois sont votées, plutôt deux fois qu'une (vote de confirmation par le Sénat également) et c'est au coeur de mes préoccupations puisque tout ministre (including les Secrétaires d'Etat) se doit de répondre aux questions orales du mercredi au Palais Bourbon et surtout mener à bien son programme législatif en amenant au vote de bons projets de lois, à confirmer par le Conseil Constitutionnel. Merci pour cet article de vulgarisation ! A non-profit EVIDENCE™ publishing. A TIMEFRAMES™ LLC publication by INTERVISION™. Titles owner and Editor-in-Chief: Frederic Vidal. INTER-LETTERS™ 6/26/2012. On Wordpress: ): THE NOISE (LE BRUIT)™: Mon Secrétariat d'Etat (aux Affaires Litigieuses)™, je le vois à l'hôtel de Castries, à Paris bien sûr, entre l'Elysée et Matignon, en bonne relation courante avec les autres ministères et un spécial feeling pour l'Assemblée Nationale du grand Bartolone qui vient d'être élu Président grâce à mon appoint meaning j'étais pour et pas le seul. Car à l'Assemblée, les lois sont votées, plutôt deux fois qu'une (vote de confirmation par le Sénat également) et c'est au coeur de mes préoccupations puisque tout ministre (including les Secrétaires d'Etat) se doit de répondre aux questions orales du mercredi au Palais Bourbon et surtout mener à bien son programme législatif en amenant au vote de bons projets de lois, à confirmer par le Conseil Constitutionnel. Merci pour cet article de vulgarisation ! A non-profit EVIDENCE™ publishing. A TIMEFRAMES™ LLC publication by INTERVISION™. Titles owner and Editor-in-Chief: Frederic Vidal. INTER-LETTERS™ 6/26/2012. On Wordpress: ): FRENCH POST™: Retour à l'antique pour comprendre un film théâtral. Aujourd'hui, un conte tragique qui est aussi un conte de fée datant de l'Antiquité en fait mais repris par De La Fontaine, un français qui sait ce que poésie veut dire. C'est mon inspiration pour le FRENCH COP™ de théâtre avec ou sans Adjani et Depardieu et possiblement avec Cruise et Kidman. Un exemple de récit réussi: Jean de la Fontaine écrit LE LIEVRE ET LA TORTUE. "Rien ne sert de courir; il faut partir à point : Le lièvre et la tortue en sont un témoignage. «Gageons, dit celle-ci, que vous n'atteindrez point Sitôt que moi ce but. - Sitôt ? Êtes-vous sage ? Repartit l'animal léger : Ma commère, il vous faut purger Avec quatre grains d'ellébore.) - Sage ou non, je parie encore." Ainsi fut fait; et de tous deux On mit près du but les enjeux : Savoir quoi, ce n'est pas l'affaire, Ni de quel juge l'on convint. Notre lièvre n'avait que quatre pas à faire, J'entends de ceux qu'il fait lorsque, prêt d'être atteint, Il s'éloigne des chiens, les renvoie aux calendes, Et leur fait arpenter les landes. Ayant, dis-je, du temps de reste pour brouter, Pour dormir et pour écouter D'où vient le vent, il laisse la tortue Aller son train de sénateur. Elle part, elle s'évertue, Elle se hâte avec lenteur. Lui cependant méprise une telle victoire, Tient la gageure à peu de gloire, Croit qu'il y a de son honneur De partir tard. Il broute, il se repose, Il s'amuse à toute autre chose Qu'à la gageure. A la fin, quand il vit Que l'autre touchait presque au bout de la carrière, Il partit comme un trait; mais les élans qu'il fit Furent vains : la tortue arriva la première. "Eh bien! lui cria-t-elle, avais-je pas raison ? De quoi vous sert votre vitesse ? Moi l'emporter! et que serait-ce Si vous portiez une maison ?" A non-profit EVIDENCE™ publishing. A TIMEFRAMES™ LLC publication by INTERVISION™. Titles owner and Editor-in-Chief: Frederic Vidal. INTER-LETTERS™ 6/26/2012. On Wordpress: ): BRAMSTOCKER™: Permanent homage to the show biz on Facebook. With a new address on Facebook, I continue to share my knowledge about music and solidarity meaning also business and industry, but first of all, ART, for (a little help from) my FRIENDS. This is for BRAMSTOCKER™, movement and global group of sweet hearts worldwide with now my full name FREDERIC on screen and not only Fred that means four letters for my success abroad only (nickname). The band is still punk, I manage my fandom and we're preparing My Mini-Feeling for exportations of our wiseness, a song that rocks and civic one, for a while. So I want to tell you, we're not The Beatles and the new LINKIN PARK is in stores since yesterday. A non-profit EVIDENCE™ publishing. A TIMEFRAMES™ LLC publication by INTERVISION™. Titles owner and Editor-in-Chief: Frederic Vidal. INTER-LETTERS™ 6/26/2012. On Wordpress: ): BLOCKBUSTER™: A first speaking role in Studio City. I will so aprecciate to be back in South California for one day or two of nice work on a set to officialize I am an actor (SAG-AFTRA) with a real magnifique speaking role (as I was for too long a background actor, a silent one even if featured with the best of the business like Spielberg and Eastwood). There will be this kind of magic for sure and I will continue my way after hundreds of days of plateaux, movie sets, from Burbank to Hollywood, working for the best companies in town (Paramount, 20th Century Fox, Sony, NBC Universal and independents). Soon in your (home) theater with or without Intervision™. Before may 68 in France, there was April 68. A non-profit EVIDENCE™ publishing. A TIMEFRAMES™ LLC publication by INTERVISION™. Titles owner and Editor-in-Chief: Frederic Vidal. INTER-LETTERS™ 6/26/2012. On Wordpress: ): BREAKTHROUGH™: Vers un état de siège en Californie ? California is not the worst State but a State that does not go too well. Everybody is jealous of California, myself I like it a lot. The budget is not good, Schwarzenegger did a very bad jog as the Governor and now there is social stress that is visible in the movie industry from 2003 to 2011 (I was there) with a present year detestable. I'm speaking about security, in the streets, in the real estate, in the filming business, about drugs, illegal activities, political behavior that are not correct, human trafficking that I reduced a little with my campaigns. But for now, I am preparing these nice vacations in Florida for the Republican Tampa with another sun, the Atlantic one and I advice Washington about (to decide and organize) a possible and necessary state of siege or emergency to improve my previous location in America. Now I am in Tallahassee (read my autographiée letter for Tampa, Florida). A non-profit EVIDENCE™ publishing. A TIMEFRAMES™ LLC publication by INTERVISION™. Titles owner and Editor-in-Chief: Frederic Vidal. INTER-LETTERS™ 6/26/2012. Breaking News! NORA EPHRON. The Huffington Post: June 27, 2012. Writer, Director, HuffPost Editor-At-Large Passes Away At 71. FAREWELL, NORA. From "Silkwood" (1983) to "When Harry Met Sally" (1989) to "Julie & Julia" (2009): Timeframe career. BREAKTHROUGH™ :): BLOCKBUSTER™ Special Diffusion. Editor-in-Chief: Frederic Vidal: "I will study and learn why this is the truth!". Maintenant aussi sur Tumblr pour la France : http//

Tuesday, June 26, 2012 Claude Bartolone, President. It is the result of the vote. First session of the XIVth Législature. NATIONAL ASSEMBLY. DAILY MOTION : et LCP : la Chaîne Parlementaire. Le Monde : LE BRUIT (THE NOISE) special diffusion. Editor-in-Chief: Frederic Vidal. RESULT OF THE VOTE: 5pm in France. Urgent ! Alert! ASSEMBLEE NATIONALE. NATIONAL ASSEMBLY. Vote en cours pour l'élection de son Président. Vote in progress for its President election. A suivre sur LCP et LCP - Le Monde : Wikipedia AN : A lire pour mieux connaître l'histoire et les fonctions du Palais Bourbon. En anglais (in english) Wiki: 577 députés. LE BRUIT (THE NOISE) édition spéciale / special diffusion. Alert! Urgent ! ASSEMBLEE NATIONALE. NATIONAL ASSEMBLY. Vote en cours pour l'élection de son Président. Vote in progress for its President election. A suivre sur LCP et LCP - Le Monde : Wikipedia AN : A lire pour mieux connaître l'histoire et les fonctions du Palais Bourbon. En anglais (in english) Wiki: 577 députés. LE BRUIT (THE NOISE) édition spéciale / special diffusion. Wordpress, Inter-letters: All the articles and the previews.

Monday, June 25, 2012 ): THE NOISE (LE BRUIT)™: The Group of Propositions is on its way. Le club de propositions est en marche pour conforter le Secrétariat d'Etat en cours de présentation aux Affaires Litigieuses, ce qui est son objet. Les syndicats sont les bienvenus. LETTRE AUX MINISTRES. Monsieur, Madame le Ministre, Je vous propose le principe d'un Secrétariat d'Etat aux Affaires Litigieuses. L'Etat n'est pas ce que l'on croit, il existe. La fonction judiciaire doit être revalorisée dans la pratique d'une prévention des conflits. En sens inverse, il faut à tout prix lutter contre la délinquance quelle qu'elle soit. Pour préfigurer mon Secrétariat d'Etat, je vous invite à un club de propositions que j'animerai moi-même dès à présent sur le modèle de la coordination interministérielle. Bienvenue à votre Gouvernement, en vous invitant à mon dispositif de travail. Frédéric Vidal. (Nommé Premier ministre, Pierre Bérégovoy se présente comme le chantre de la lutte contre la corruption affairiste et politique. Lors du discours de politique générale du 8 avril 1992, qu'il prononce devant l'Assemblée nationale.) A non-profit EVIDENCE™ publishing. A TIMEFRAMES™ LLC publication by INTERVISION™. Titles owner and Editor-in-Chief: Frederic Vidal. INTER-LETTERS™ weekend 6/23-24/2012. ): BRAMSTOCKER™: "I think it's too late for breakfast!" A motto by Bramstocker™ that means Appetite for Construction. Obsolete, I don't like anymore this word that means the end of a format and a certain sadness all around because everybody is proud of a product until this end ? How is it possible ? I prefer to think that all the technics are compatible, working together for a better world especially in the medias for Intervision™. So, let's protect the CD, let's study the comeback of the vinyl and there will be more MP3s and iTunes available as the music market lost 5% during the 3 first three months of this year 2012. A non-profit EVIDENCE™ publishing. A TIMEFRAMES™ LLC publication by INTERVISION™. Titles owner and Editor-in-Chief: Frederic Vidal. INTER-LETTERS™ weekend 6/23-24/2012. ): BLOCKBUSTER™: Batman and Spiderman together for a summer of love with Bourne Legacy. I prefer the Batman even if the Spiderman is a good movie. This is splendid month of July with two famous action heroes who are among my favorites. The Bourne franchise film is with one of my friends, a new actor who played in MI-IV. Before the Tom Cruise in December (Jack Reacher), an American movie summer and I will speak about the French films beginning tomorrow. A non-profit EVIDENCE™ publishing. A TIMEFRAMES™ LLC publication by INTERVISION™. Titles owner and Editor-in-Chief: Frederic Vidal. INTER-LETTERS™ weekend 6/23-24/2012. ): BREAKTHROUGH™: From the Ages, the letter that says the Truth for a Speech in French. It will be published tomorrow on this Blog. This letter Speaks by itself. It is not extraterrestrial even if it connected to a solar system, the system of my values regarding my true love America. I am Mike Fuller, an old cowboy from the West but not the Far West and I chose to write to my superiors, the President of the Party but also the Governors of the Country who believe in this letter like me. Go, letter, go, and make them happy. A non-profit EVIDENCE™ publishing. A TIMEFRAMES™ LLC publication by INTERVISION™. Titles owner and Editor-in-Chief: Frederic Vidal. INTER-LETTERS™ weekend 6/24-25/2012. NEXT : L'Inter-Lettres ce soir avec le plein de NEWS sur l'actualité des sujets du Gouvernement et de TIMEFRAMES™, la société culturelle non-profit de Frédéric Vidal. ): BREAKTHROUGH™: From the Ages, the letter that says the Truth for a Speech in French. ): BLOCKBUSTER™: Batman and Spiderman together for a summer of love with Bourne Legacy. ): BRAMSTOCKER™: "I think it's too late for breakfast!" A motto by Bramstocker™ that means Appetite for Construction. ): FRENCH POST™: Indiana and Tennessee, the 2 States for a happening of the franchise. Animation. ): THE NOISE (LE BRUIT)™: The Group of Propositions is on its way. Le club de propositions est en marche pour conforter le Secrétariat d'Etat en cours de présentation aux Affaires Litigieuses, ce qui est son objet. Les syndicats sont les bienvenus. Rédacteur-en-chef : Frederic Vidal. EVIDENCE™ TIMEFRAMES™ INTERVISION™.

Sunday, June 24, 2012 Alert! Washington Post: Mohamed Morsi named new Egyptian president. This is a great news worldwide.

Saturday, June 23, 2012 Breaking news! Frederic Vidal selects the French Huffington Post to comment the France news (and international) to complete his Facebook and Twitter activity anjd to support his INTER-LETTERS™ for the Social Media. ): THE NOISE (LE BRUIT)™: Pourquoi un Secrétariat d'Etat aux Affaires Litigieuses ? Parce que la France a besoin de se calmer. Trop de disputes et de conflits et pas assez de dialogue, de l'entreprise à la ville, les notions de partenariat et de coopération sont souvent oubliées alors que les dépôts de plaintes au tribunal sont en augmentation en raison d'un esprit trop contentieux dans notre pays où doivents se développer des méthodes de négotiations et de réconciliation dignes d'une grande démocratie occidentale. Le Secrétariat d'Etat aux Affaires Litigieuses aura pour but de donner à chacun les moyens de comprendre et de lutter contre les mauvais travers que sont la compétition mal maîtrisée, la délinquance en tant que telle et le phénomène de corruption qui reste à définir et à délimiter avec la création d'une commission d'étude et d'investigation. Les grands dossiers du quinquennat dans le domaine de la paix sociale et juridique sont à lister, très prochainement. Rédacteur-en-chef : Frédéric Vidal (6/23/2012). EVIDENCE™ TIMEFRAMES™ INTERVISION™. ): FRENCH POST™: GOSSIP MAN™, a sequel of the mainstream TV Show. The Mike Fuller™ saga is an impressive series of fictions for TV and novels to express the charisma of the myth of Mike on different publications for a popular diffusion of its culture about America. Priority for a new feature that would be the spinoff of GOSSIP GIRL™ and a lot more. The US TV show has the style connected to Mike Fuller™'s universe and the idea is to invite his character for the lead of a motion picture developing the history of the group of young people starring in the initial show. Rédacteur-en-chef : Frédéric Vidal (6/23/2012). EVIDENCE™ TIMEFRAMES™ INTERVISION™. ): BRAMSTOCKER™: The 13 Albums Are Still Unrelesead Because of the music industry. The Sweet were a great band and still are. They are a major influence of the band BRAMSTOCKER™ and its social movement, soon famous like Solidarnosc for a very great event: the reunion of the Unions in France! This is a project inspired by The Sweet that organized a lot of reunions of their band even if their original leadsinger Brian Connolly passed away too early. Rédacteur-en-chef : Frédéric Vidal (6/23/2012). EVIDENCE™ TIMEFRAMES™ INTERVISION™. ): BLOCKBUSTER™: The Casting of The Play, French Cop™ is Involved in France! My casting for the play is a French one. I would like Gérard Depardieu and Isabelle Adjani to be Vincent Sauvan and Patricia Hunter on stage in a new story about their life, written like a poem with a lot of laughs and some dramatic times. A short story in 3 parts like a classical one with all the concepts of the franchise but in another way, for the French audience that likes spirituality and tradition. Rédacteur-en-chef : Frédéric Vidal (6/23/2012). EVIDENCE™ TIMEFRAMES™ INTERVISION™. PRESIDENTIAL LETTER. LETTRE PRESIDENTIELLE. From Frederic Vidal to Reince Priebus, chairman of the Republican National Committee. Monsieur le Président, Hello President: Je suis fier de vous annoncer ma venue à Tampa. I am proud to inform you that I will be in Tampa. La Floride, c'est la dernière étape avant la Présidence. Florida is the last step before the Presidency if everything is going well. Les Patriotes, nous les aurons de notre côté, contre la famille Obama, victime de corruption généralisée. The Patriots, they will be on our side, against the Obama family, victims of a general corruption. Je me présente, aux côtés de la famille Rockfeller, pour un discours qui ne sera pas long mais intense. I am introducing myself, in the tradition of the Rockfeller family, for a speech that won't be long but intense. S'il-vous plaît, inscrivez-moi à l'ordre du jour de cette assemblée, la CONVENTION REPUBLICAINE DE TAMPA. Please register me at the agenda of this assembly, the Republican Convention of Tampa. My resume is on the Web, I'm a social activist and a Republican one. Mon curriculum vitae est sur l'Internet, je suis un militant social est un Républicain. Mes amitiés à votre Comité de Direction. My best wishes to your Direction Committee. Frédéric Vidal. Frederic Vidal.

Friday, June 22, 2012 Alert! Elysée, Matignon, the Government in Paris and The Tampa's Republican Vacation! The Inter-Letters: #5. 06/22/2012 (Friday). LETTERS PREVIEW: WORDPRESS FRIDAY! Frederic Vidal alias Mike Fuller choses Nelson Rockfeller, previously Vice-President of the United States for dedication of Alert! LETTERS PREVIEW: WORDPRESS FRIDAY! Frederic Vidal alias Mike Fuller choses Nelson Rockfeller, previously Vice-President of the United States for dedication of The Inter-Letters: #5. 06/22/2012 (Friday). Elysée, Matignon, the Government in Paris and The Tampa's Republican Vacation! Alert! Frédéric Vidal alias Mike Fuller choses Nelson Rockfeller, previously Vice-President of the United States for dedication of The Inter-Letters: #5. 06/22/2012 (Friday). Elysée, Matignon, the Government in Paris and The Tampa's Republican Vacation! LETTERS PREVIEW: WORDPRESS FRIDAY!

Thursday, June 21, 2012 ): THE NOISE (LE BRUIT)™: la Haute-Couture est une profession qui donne son image à la France politique et sociale. Pas de Vidal au gouvernement, c'est la routine qui continue et Pierre Beregovoy s'ennuie mais il s'est suicidé et nous sommes tous tristes que Frédéric en soit encore exclu, du gouvernement de la République comme s'il était un membre de METALLICA. La culture parfois a mauvaise réputation quand on la taxe d'être anticonformiste et incapable d'apporter ce qu'elle promet, un changement. Le changement, vous l'aurez dans les faits pour l'instant, avec une inter-lettres et ses cinq lettres d'informations diffusées à tout le monde en France et aux Etats-Unis (bienvenue aussi aux lecteurs des autres pays qui s'intéressent aux problèmes et aux solutions de notre planète pour ses deux pays-phares, sans compter sur l'Allemagne et la Russie, et bien d'autres). La propagande officielle de l'Etat français va à notre encontre, le mouvement BRAMSTOCKER™ en tirera les conséquences en congrès de facto ou de jure cet avant Tampa. Editor-in-chief: Frederic Vidal (6/21/2012). WORDPRESS: THE INTER-LETTERS. ): FRENCH POST™: le choix du théâtre est nécessaire à l'ambition de franchise commerciale de la marque FRENCH COP™. Beaucoup de réactions au choix de Post Scriptum™ (la filiale européenne de Timeframes™) de monter sur scène le FRENCH COP™ plutôt que d'en faire un film (que l'on attend sur les écrans depuis 6 ans déjà). C'est un choix stratégique qui, par contre, fait le bonheur de tous les amateurs de théâtre, cet art gagnant qui a du mal à s'imposer auprès des movigoers, les fanas de cinémpa, mais pas vraiment. Les MJC des années 60, les fameuses Maisons des Jeunes et de la Culture créées par Malraux et le Théâtre lmunicipal ou d'Etat ont permis à un public de soutien de se renforcer et de favoriser en France les torupes de théâtre privées. Quelle troupe sera choisie pour la pièce de science fiction et de roman policier à l'ambition de bande dessinée célèbre ? Nous le saurons dans les prochains mois. L'auteur du Cop™, Frédéric Vidal, est donc face au plus grand choix de sa carrière et il le dédie à son public, les internautes derrière lesquels se situent les grandes franchises d'achat culturel. Ce choix, il compte le confirmer en écrivant la pièce très rapidement et la soumettre au public par Internet, ce qu'il appelle déjà l'Intervision™. Editor-in-chief: Frederic Vidal (6/21/2012). WORDPRESS: THE INTER-LETTERS. ): BRAMSTOCKER™: le hard rock est forcément le stade le plus avancé de la musique Pop bien que la Progressive et le Hip Hop soient aussi en avance sur leur temps. The hard rock is all about a heavy sound and some people don't like it. It can be parents, it can be children. If you like classical music, you can like hard rock, it is not incompatibe thanks to the melodies. This is the most important thing: the melody of a son or a piece of music (instrumental). The difference is the sound of the guitar (with the strengthening of the keyboards), a distorsion of the natural one, result of an electronic process as the electric guitar (with mikes) is connected to the amp. Some prefer violins for the sonic environment of the vocals, some prefer fuzz guitars to create a wave of energy to boost the melody and send some nice electricity feeling to the population on the radio, in the bars or at home. I am not against violins but I use the second system to wake up the audience, it is emblematic of the rock'n roll music that also use guitars without distorsion, this is a third solution. So, the sound of BRAMSTOCKER™ is hard and rock but guests are welcomed to develop another ambition : UNITY of different traditions. Hip Hop and Soul but also progressive are a part of this project. Editor-in-chief: Frederic Vidal (6/21/2012). WORDPRESS: THE INTER-LETTERS. ): BLOCKBUSTER™: the Intervision™ project is to receive the Internet on every TV set and television monitor (Internet + Television = Intervision™). Intervision™, a word that is not in the dictionary until now because it is a disturbing one for a part of the business and a commercial brand like frigidaire but not really. This is a non-profit neologism created by Frederic Vidal, never used until now by somebody else except in talks, I suppose. The author is a believer of the studies by Marshall McLuhan and it appears to be the best way to understand the evolution of the mass medias after the XXth century. The television is still the winning medium but the press is not down, so there is a confusion. The Internet imitates too much the old press, it is the reason of its crisis. Timeframes LLC, the company created for movies by the mastermind and PhD researcher, is proposing a new deal about soft mixity of the contents for a stability, about culture and economy, of the information status quo meaning the continuation of our official ideology, not anymore capitalisme but social entrepreneurship. The word intervision™ is the meeting of two words that must live together happily: the internet and the television. The press, in this new era, will be the result of the two. Editor-in-chief: Frederic Vidal (6/21/2012). WORDPRESS: THE INTER-LETTERS. ): BREAKTHROUGH™: France's UMP is the major loser of the election day, last Sunday. What does that mean? The government is confirmed with no change as the results of the National Assembly election was on Sunday the positive warning that the President, François Hollande, is still the most popular decidor of the Country. It's a little a no news and a bad confirmation for those that wanted and needed some change at the head of the State, for more reforms probably and an attractivity of the Ayrault's team missing right now. But the chaos at the UMP, the other dominant Party, is going on. Xavier Bertrand, one of its exciting leaders, was defeated for the Presidency of the Assembly's group. The previous Prime minister, François Fillon, is still the real main man of this right union (UMP) againts Jean-François Copé, the big boss of the party, not personally responsible of a huge defeat that is a definitive one ? Who knows, everything's possible in France as there are very important local elections and a possibility of dissolution of the National Assembly. The ex-President Nicolas Sarkosy is now a member of the Conseil Constituionnel. It can help. Editor-in-chief: Frederic Vidal (6/21/2012). WORDPRESS: THE INTER-LETTERS. ): BLOCKBUSTER™ (6/20/2012): A Summary of all our new movies in writing. Once upon a time, there was Vidal & Parners™! The latest of them all: JUNIOR™ (provisory title), a son succeeds to play his father coming back in his european hometown. But he looks younger... So, some problems and miscommunications. His dad's the organizer (in South America)? A Mike Fuller™ motion picture. There will be a list of the films to make with the French subsidiary POST SCRIPTUM™: PLANET™, of course, LOUIS XIV™, LA FRANCE ETERNELLE™, UNE FAMILLE FRANCAISE™, MERCANTOUR™ including a lot of others. Upcoming: a movie about Jacques Brel titled MUSIC HALL™. A non-profit EVIDENCE™ publishing. A TIMEFRAMES™ LLC publication of webgrams™ by INTERVISION™. Titles owner and Editor-in-Chief: Frederic Vidal. Sous l'égide du projet de Secrétariat d'Etat aux Affaires Litigieuses (SEAL), under the aegis of the Secretary of State for Litigious Affairs (SSLA) project.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012 IN THE MORNING on Wordpress: The Inter-Letter #3. 06/20/2012. The 5 Newsletters by Frederic Vidal for the Summer's Eve! BREAKTHROUGH™: The definition of a ministère. Why, how and who will be the titulaire (incombent). BLOCKBUSTER™: A Summary of all our new movies in writing. BRAMSTOCKER™: A Superior Council of the Mass Network in France. FRENCH POST™: The Theater Play influenced by Sam Shepard and Federico Garcia Lorca. THE NOISE (LE BRUIT)™: A Nice, a second pamphlet about the election problem. • This Inter-Letter™ is dedicated to: André Malraux. A non-profit EVIDENCE™ publishing. A TIMEFRAMES™ LLC publication by INTERVISION™.
Titles owner and Editor-in-Chief: Frederic Vidal.
Sous l'égide du projet de Secrétariat d'Etat aux Affaires Litigieuses (SEAL), under the aegis of the Secretary of State for Litigious Affairs (SSLA) project. This is the Tuesday 19 edition, an updated and upgraded version of 5 newsletters, part of the I-Letter(tm). THE INTER-LETTER first available on WORDPRESS. Follow the link: for the 5 daily news (Breakthrough, Blockbuster, Bramstocker, French Post, The Noise - Le Bruit). Editor-in-chief: Frederic Vidal. THE NOISE (Le Bruit: France, State, Programs and Debates): Un Secrétariat d’Etat. Claude Chirac can be the next personality to be an anti-corruption leader in France. Brice Lalonde et Bernard Kouchner sont mes deux références dans ma quête d’un poste ministériel. “Le Droit est ma spécialité” Frédéric Vidal. Comme Jean Médecin son Maire qui a été nommé Secrétaire d’Etat à la Présidence du conseil par Edgar Faure de mars 1955 à janvier 1956, notre rédacteur-en-chef, attend une bonne nouvelle de Paris pour la nomination du nouveau gouvernement à prévoir ce jeudi. Frédéric Vidal, diplômé de l’Institut d’études politique de Paris (1981, promotion François Mitterand) a à proposer son talent juridique pour la formation d’un cabinet ministériel. La France s’est qualifiée pour les quart-de-finales bien qu’ayant été battu par la Suède 2 à 0 hier à Kiev, dans le cadre de la Coupe d’Europe 2012 de l’UEFA, l’EURO. C’est une bonne surprise. Le football a ses passzionnés, ceux du gouvernement sont du même ordre : ils veulent des résultats. Aux Affaires Litigieuses, comme il aime à dénommer sa possible future mission officielle auprès de François Hollande et rattaché au Premier Ministre, l’enfant du pays niçois sera aux commandes d’une fonction qui apparâit prioritaire, réduire l’intolérance dans notre pays, distancier les clivages en les explicitant. THE INTER-LETTER first available on WORDPRESS. Follow the link: for the 5 daily news (Breakthrough, Blockbuster, Bramstocker, French Post, The Noise - Le Bruit). This is the Tuesday 19 edition, an updated and upgraded version of 5 newsletters, part of the I-Letter(tm). Editor-in-chief: Frederic Vidal. FRENCH POST(Franchise, French Cop, Science Fiction and Culture): Yvonne Strahovski. She is the nice girl of the American dream (part 2) , for the kids and the parents still teenagers. In Chuck, her role is to explain to the lead what is it all about secret services, bad and nice guys, stories to live (thanks to the screenwriters). We want her in new parts on the American TV (numeric) and the Intervision(tm) Post-Web. This could be fantastic for our franchises including the first and only FRENCH COP(tm) we are developing now in a piece of theater. Yvonne is from Australia with a personality involved in different human groups offering us an alternative to the regular famous actors environment. So, let’s do it, being in touch with Mrs. Strahovski for a future contract welcoming her in the Mike Fuller(tm) Universe, the America of the 2010′s. THE INTER-LETTER first available on WORDPRESS. Follow the link: for the 5 daily news (Breakthrough, Blockbuster, Bramstocker, French Post, The Noise - Le Bruit). This is the Tuesday 19 edition, an updated and upgraded version of 5 newsletters, part of the I-Letter(tm). Editor-in-chief: Frederic Vidal. BRAMSTOCKER (Punk, Rock, Unions and Communities): My Mini-Feeling. Great-Britain is one of the founders of the United States and for BRAMSTOCKER the State of Imagination of its music because the Rock was so appreciated there since 1960. A song can change things in the universe of the entertainment industry, it is a piece of the construction of the band about a rewriting of the Punk (before and after) history around the crucial year 1977. An imaginary career is the basis of BRAMSTOCKER production of albums in 2012, connected to the past still available for a live diffusion on Youtube specially. Guitars are the instruments used to be back in time and prepare the future. The song MY MINI-FEELING will be available pretty soon on the Web. THE INTER-LETTER first available on WORDPRESS. Follow the link: for the 5 daily news (Breakthrough, Blockbuster, Bramstocker, French Post, The Noise - Le Bruit). This is the Tuesday 19 edition, an updated and upgraded version of 5 newsletters, part of the I-Letter(tm). Editor-in-chief: Frederic Vidal. BLOCKBUSTER (Movies, Timeframes, Intervision(tm) and Hollywood): Louis XIV, the first CAESARS Intervision(tm) production. Louis the Fourteen was the greatest monarch in France even if others are very important too. His direction of the Country is spectacular and building a modern era for France in Europe, leading the people for a lot of improvement in their social and personal life. It is the reason why we are interested by his person to be the subject of a first chapter of the Intervision(tm) saga, the CAESARS, a decentralized Hollywood production showing the evolution of Roma, from the Ancient Times to the present ones, including the Middle-Ages and the Renaissance. Another Louis (same family) has been the victim of a Revolution, the objective of this film is to have the truth about the historic reasons of a government success with a dynasty member. THE INTER-LETTER first available on WORDPRESS. Follow the link: for the 5 daily news (Breakthrough, Blockbuster, Bramstocker, French Post, The Noise - Le Bruit). This is the Monday 19 edition, an updated and upgraded version of 5 newsletters, part of the I-Letter(tm). Editor-in-chief: Frederic Vidal. BREAKTHROUGH (Elections, Campaigns, Government and Policies): Romney, Schwarzenegger, more to come about American Syndrom of political stardom. John Boehner is the metteur-en-scène. France, Spain and Great-Britain were the owners of the land before the present United States. The Bush anti-legacy. Etat de siège in California. Mitt Romney is really a leader who needs to be helped. His program and his declarations are not operational and they express some troubles. I think he will be better with a trusteeship of the party and a personnal guardianship maybe, a semi-control probably in order to be sure that he won’t be dysfunctional anymore for our doctrine and his career as WE HAVE TO WIN in November or in January if the election is delayed (a crisis is always possible). The same for Tampa where we could be back mid-September if we are not satisfied by the August convention, Augustus, the first Roman Emperor was too tough and his legacy did not last forever. THE INTER-LETTER first available on WORDPRESS. Follow the link: for the 5 daily news (Breakthrough, Blockbuster, Bramstocker, French Post, The Noise - Le Bruit). This is the Monday 19 edition, an updated and upgraded version of 5 newsletters, part of the I-Letter(tm). Editor-in-chief: Frederic Vidal. THE INTER-LETTER first available on WORDPRESS. Follow the link: for the 5 daily news (Breakthrough, Blockbuster, Bramstocker, French Post, The Noise - Le Bruit). This is the Monday 19 edition, an updated and upgraded version of 5 newsletters, part of the I-Letter(tm). Editor-in-chief: Frederic Vidal.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012 Alert! Let's go to the G20 in Mexico. The objective is to have 20 countries together for a better world. Economy, culture, science, cooperation and prevention of wars. This is my agenda that is not official but popular and inspiring for a real decision summit: the progress and the solidarity of the leaders there. Welcome to the G20 site: BREAKTHROUGH special news.

Monday, June 18, 2012 Good lecture. No Monday newsletter. Enjoy these weekend news. Americans, 16 DAYS BEFORE INDEPENDENCE DAY. Today, Paul's Birthday. Thanks to the Beatles. French Post: l’organisation de la pièce de théâtre. L’écriture des dialogues. This new letter is the result of the decision to have this hero, the FRENCH COP, reunited with its audience: the teenagers and their followers, the young adults who want more choice for their music, definitely a Rock’n Roll. These consumers are not a minority but an active majority playing Rock and reading books like the COP, watching movies with his French hype that we will explain and UPDATE in these news beginning today, episode after episode. This is the center of our strategy. Editor-in-Chief: Frederic Vidal. An Evidence Publishing. INTERVISION / TIMEFRAMES. Weekend edition, June 16-17, 2012. Bramstocker : le duo planétaire avec Linkin Park ou le duel fratricide de deux groupes qui s’aiment. Philadelphie en janvier. Deux visions du Punk pour le heavy sound. There is always a group like The Beatles and a competitor like The Rolling Stones. I’m thinking about inviting the band Linkin Park for a confrontation with mine, the 1977 cuvee of the Punk rock wine in Europe (including Russia) : BRAMSTOCKER. This head-to-head is necessary for a revival of a program we like: the bicontinental Rock invasion, from Europe to the United States. An album could be the Woodstock of this shot. Editor-in-Chief: Frederic Vidal. An Evidence Publishing. INTERVISION / TIMEFRAMES. Weekend edition, June 16-17, 2012. Blockbuster: Monroe est-elle encore un symbole sexuel pour beaucoup d’entre nous. Marilyn is still a sex symbol for a lot of them. Pour la plupart, elle est la Miss Commémoration du 50e anniversaire : 1962. The spy accusations about Marco Rubio are the premisses of a more important procedure of a history rewriting about the truth Now and Then. Michelle Obama had accordingly two lovers including her husband’s Chief of Staff, the now charismatic mayor of Chicago and the Secret Service couldn’t change nothing. This is a Hollywood inspired District of Columbia style of life that will participate in the files to open for the Watergate 2 investigation to manage all at once after the end of the Obama one and only mandate or even before with a go in the next few days and weeks. Editor-in-Chief: Frederic Vidal. An Evidence Publishing. INTERVISION / TIMEFRAMES. Breakthrough: Mitt en 2001, le 11 septembre de Romney. Romney in 2001, what about September 11? Bush was unable to stop the terrorists. He was not listening to the CIA warnings. Mitt Romney, the eccentric Republican leader, was unavailable, not in town, in New York City and we want to know his environment this day, September 11, and what he did before and after the World trade Center double explosion. One told me that he had a panic mode and no words to express his emotion and his solidarity for the victims. For the lawsuit against the unfortunate George W Bush who chose the war to stop terrorism, the mistake by itself, we need the testimony of Mr. Mitt Romney. In Bagdad or in Paris, Texas! Editor-in-Chief: Frederic Vidal. An Evidence Publishing. INTERVISION / TIMEFRAMES. The Weekend Inter-Letter is available on Wordpress. A TIMEFRAMES Exclusivity in Intervision(tm): the new chance for Europe. Read it and read it again after the general diffusion. The Weekend Inter-Letter is available on Wordpress. A TIMEFRAMES Exclusivity in Intervision(tm). Read it and read it again after the general diffusion.

Saturday, June 16, 2012 Breaking news. Michelle Obama and Arnold Schwarzenegger? My investigation about the role of the first Lady in Hollywood shows that the wife of the President is close to the controversial ex-Governor of California. Probably as a Kennedy supported celebrity as Mrs. Schwarzenegger is herself a Kennedy. Special BREAKTHROUGH of the weekend. Michelle Obama and Arnold Schwarzenegger? My investigation about the role of the first Lady in Hollywood shows that the wife of the President is close to the controversial ex-Governor of California. Probably as a Kennedy supported celebrity as Mrs. Schwarzenegger is herself a Kennedy. Special BREAKTHROUGH of the weekend. Alert. Frédéric Vidal, President of TIMEFRAMES LLC, the movie industry: "A possible death for Lindsay Lohan? She's at the hospital and we decide an investigation about California, a State that is not anymore safe. On Monday, a Plan for the reform of the West Coast government and population will be released. This is a question of national security. Thank You." Alert. A possible death for Lindsay Lohan? She's at the hospital and we decide an investigation about California, a State that is not anymore safe. On Monday, a Plan for the reform of the West Coast government and population will be released. This is a question of national security. Thank You. (Frédéric Vidal, President of TIMEFRAMES LLC, the movie industry). The weekend edition. This Saturday. ): PREVIEWS. Breakthrough: Romney in 2001, what about September 11. Blockbuster: Marilyn is still a sex symbol for a lot of them. For us, she's the Commemoration 50th anniversary. 1962. Bramstocker: the duet with LINKIN PARK. Philadelphia in January. 2 visions of the Punk and the HEAVY SOUND. French Post: the organization of the play. The writing of the dialogues. The Noise (le bruit): le mystère Hollande. HOLLANDE MYSTERY. President and Marxist, the truth about his ideology. Editor-in-Chief: Frederic Vidal, Secretary of State for Litigious Affairs (SSLA), le Secrétariat d'Etat aux Affaires Litigieuses (SEAL). ): An Evidence Publishing. A Post Scriptum publication. A Timeframes LLC enterprise. PREVIEWS. Breakthrough: Romney in 2001, what about September 11. Blockbuster: Marilyn is still a sex symbol for a lot of them. For us, she's the Commemoration 50th anniversary. 1962. Bramstocker: the duet with LINKIN PARK. Philadelphia in January. 2 visions of the Punk and the HEAVY SOUND. French Post: the organization of the play. The writing of the dialogues. The Noise (le bruit): le mystère Hollande. HOLLANDE MYSTERY. President and Marxist, the truth about his ideology. LINKIN PARK versus BRAMSTOCKER in January in Philadelphia. A Stadium or two with the bands together for a happy end? I will make it for TIMEFRAMES LLC, the last chance. This is Radio Intervision(tm). Road to Revolution, the concert: on Youtube. For the Weekend, The Inter-News (Breakthrough, Blockbuster, Bramstocker, French Post, The Noise). Editor-in-Chief: Frédéric Vidal.

Friday, June 15, 2012 5. French Post (the first issue 5th letter): the news of FRENCH COP(tm), the franchise inspired by Vincent Sauvan. Tomorrow, the writing of a Play of the first episode: First Fight, an additional feature. Dès samedi, le chef-d’œuvre du mois : le FRENCH COP théâtral, dédié au défunt Raoul Mille, le pas assez célèbre écrivain niçois et conseiller municipal éteint jeudi à Nice ainsi qu’à Federico Garcia Lorca, le fameux dramaturge espagnol fusillé par erreur pendant la guerre civile. The drama, le drame, se situe à Washington, puis Paris et le final à Los Angeles. Three cities for the 3 parts of a well-known story : the 3 cities. FRENCH POST (15 juin 2012). Editor-in-chief: Frédéric Vidal. ): An Evidence Publishing. A Post Scriptum publication. A Timeframes LLC enterprise. 3. International Recommandation. The International social network connected to the Web for a planetary music, a Punk destiny of the globe. A recommendation. In order to be officialized as a Secretary of State in France (there are a dozen of them in every government in France, having government responsibilities looking like political missions), we are waiting for recommendations signed by personalities ready to express their feeling about the State and its administration, sometimes not enough reformed to be close to the changes of the present times. From music to anti-bureaucracy, the union process of the artistic diaspora is on its way in the land of De Gaulle and in North America, without end, in saecula saeculorum, for ever and ever with AFL-CIO. BRAMSTOCKER (June 15, 2012). Editor-in-Chief: Frederic Vidal. ): An Evidence Publishing. A Post Scriptum publication. A Timeframes LLC enterprise. 2. Revolution for Two. Revolution for two, a sequel of 1789, the History Year, 24 months after 1787 in USA. A couple in love witness of Robespierre and Danton in Paris organizing the terror. This is a new kind of movie mixing history and fiction. A novel will be published before the feature film in order to explain the responsibilities of the French guillotine users, the politicians who killed the king, finally. For the Intervision™ and the theaters first, in a new format of screen specially created for this binational fresque Frédéric Vidal. BLOCKBUSTER (June 15, 2012). Editor-in-Chief: Frederic Vidal. ): An Evidence Publishing. A Post Scriptum publication. A Timeframes LLC enterprise. 1. The Accident. The Mitt Romney accident in France is a definitive one for the Presidency and even his candidacy. Wikipedia: “ In June 1968, an automobile he was driving in southern France was hit by another vehicle, seriously injuring him and killing one of his passengers, the wife of the mission president. ” This fact must be understood with the knowledge of the 21st century. The young Romney was a Mormon at that time and his fault is not at all acceptable with his presidential project. Wikipedia. BREAKTHROUGH (June 15, 2012). Editor-in-Chief: Frederic Vidal. ): An Evidence Publishing. A Post Scriptum publication. A Timeframes LLC enterprise. PREVIEWS. The 5 are NOT ANYMORE A BETA VERSION. Tonight. The newsletters of the day, Friday, 15 2012. The last day of campaign in our brother-Country. 1. Breakthrough: the Mitt Romney accident in France is a definitive one for the Presidency and even his candidacy. 2. Blockbuster: Revolution for two, a sequel of 1789, the History Year, 24 months after 1787 in USA. A couple in love witness of Robespierre and Danton in Paris organizing the terror. 3. Bramstocker: The International social network connected to the Web for a planetary music, a Punk destiny of the Planet. A recommandation. 4. The NOISE (le bruit): the definition of the mission of the new Secretary of State for Litigious Affairs in France. 5. French Post (the first issue 5th letter): the news of FRENCH COP(tm), the franchise inspired by Vincent Sauvan. Tomorrow, the writing of a Play of the first episode: First Fight, an additional feature. Editor-in-chief (is the same): Frédéric Vidal. An Evidence Publishing. A Post Scriptum publication. A Timeframes LLC enterprise. PREVIEWS. Tonight. The newsletters of the day, Friday, 15 2012. The last day of campaign in our brother-Country. 1. Breakthrough: the Mitt Romney accident in France is a definitive one for the Presidency and even his candidacy. 2. Blockbuster: Revolution for two, a sequel of 1789, the History Year, 24 months after 1787 in USA. A couple in love witness of Robespierre and Danton in Paris organizing the terror. 3. Bramstocker: The International social network connected to the Web for a planetary music, a Punk destiny of the Planet. A recommandation. 4. The NOISE (le bruit): the definition of the mission of the new Secretary of State for Litigious Affairs in France. 5. French Post (the first issue 5th letter): the news of FRENCH COP(tm), the franchise inspired by Vincent Sauvan. Tomorrow, the writing of a Play of the first episode: First Fight, an additional feature. The 5 are NOT ANYMORE A BETA VERSION. Editor-in-chief (is the same): Frédéric Vidal. An Evidence Publishing. A Post Scriptum publication. A Timeframes LLC enterprise. It is June 15 and the FRENCH COP (tm) begins.

Thursday, June 14, 2012 Control of the American radios for the Desobamization. The radios must be better controlled in America as the propaganda of the White House is a danger for democracy. Obama and his wife are the masterminds of a brainwashing organized to impose their image in the population. This is intolerable and the music on the air must struggle against this ideology of a tsar more than a star by following the strategy of BRAMSTOCKER, itself inspired by Lech Walesa’s Solidarity who succeeded to erase the tyranny and the dictatorship in Poland last century. Every band must think about it, liberty or obeisance before to write a new song and their interviews will support this NO PRESSURE PROGRAM in order to get more oxygen in our cultural atmosphere. BRAMSTOCKER (June 14, 2012), Beta Version. Editor-in-Chief: Frederic Vidal. George W Bush sentenced to death. It is possible to imagine a bad end for the previous President of the United States as the massacre in Iraq continues (90 deaths today) and also the Afghanistan chaos (4 French soldiers killed last week). Bush finished his mandate with the Wall Street crisis and the world began a recession caused by a man who was really irresponsible according to a majority of observers. The best is now to have a judiciary plan to decide of the sanction against his administration because there is obviously a new start to reach. To plead guilty or no contest is the smartest solution for the United States and the sentence to have in mind is the worst for its leader: the death, in order to show to the world that the Country did not do all of that intentionally. The justice will decide. BREAKTHROUGH (June 14, 2012), Beta Version. Editor-in-Chief: Frederic Vidal. On WORDPRESS, the newsletters: and Claude CHIRAC, the daughter. SEAL: Secrétariat d'Etat aux Affaires Litigieuses. C'est Frédéric Vidal qui emporte le poste De Facto because he is the best for this: to be a part of the Government. It will be the first time for it. A secret ministère ? No, it will be officialized next week or so. On the other hand, I will invite Mrs. Claude Chirac, daughter of her father the ex-President Jacques Chirac, for an interview with me, the first one, about the Presidential project, possible, to create an Evaluation Commission about Corruption in France.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012 LOW TAXES. Find a solution. This is the special issue of today's newsletters. BREAKTHROUGH / BLOCKBUSTER / BRAMSTOCKER / THE NOISE. Editor-in-Chief: Frederic Vidal. Alert! The WEBCARD by Photobucket. An investigation by Frederic Vidal about the system of local government in Nice. Mafia and McCarthysm are the references. Je commence l'écriture d'une thèse de recherche et d'investigation au sujet d'un système particulier de gouvernement hérité de feu Jacques Médecin, précédent Maire de Nice et toujours présent par son influence historique qui doit maintenant disparaître. Il suffit de rendre populaire le principe de transparence et celui de solidarité dans cette ville en danger s'il n'y a pas de changement dans les mois qui viennent concernnant son rayonnement international. Mike Fuller, the new Eisenhower. Ike is Mike is the slogan of Frederic Vidal campaign for this autumn after the Tampa’s test and Marco Rubio is invited to be his vice-President. Mitt Romney will be the great special adviser and special guest at the White House as a kind of super-president for special problems like immigration and budgets, federal ones. Frederic Vidal is Mike Fuller in this reality, ours, that look like a fiction, because everything’s possible on Earth. First now, it’s necessary to invite all Republicans in America to write his or her white book of revendications to send in Tampa or to come with it. There, we will be able to write a new constitution to prepare later with the Congress as Washington did not everything about the 21st Century. Now, the countdown is the Olympic Games and 4 weeks after, it will be the FLORIDA GAME. Rubio if not a Cuba spy, is a possible ticket with THE THIRD MAN, the French one, a naturalized citizen, popular thanks to the Internet. BREAKTHROUGH (June 13, 2012), Beta Version. Editor-in-Chief: Frederic Vidal. Planet, 10 films of 2 hours for theaters in one year. TIMEFRAMES LLC proposes a lot of feature films to shot because the INTERVISION™ is the media that needs NEW CONTENTS, a lot of new content, Flux of information from government to entertainment. To popularize it, Frederic Vidal will propose at the September meeting a decalogy of 10 episodes of a new magnifique screenplay signed by Mike Fuller (Frederic electoral name) and great professional of the screens industry. PLANET, a fresque about a small little planet, the contrary of Earth lost somewhere in the universe. A man and a woman refugees of planet Earth after its desperation and annihilation travels with a ship built by another civilization to its destination and a lot of fun and bad dreams aboard. BLOCKBUSTER (June 13, 2012), Beta Version. Editor-in-Chief: Frederic Vidal. Boys band, BRAMSTOCKER is another Solidarnosc. So many young people waiting for good music, it means also looking for democracy with more networks and reasons to believe in it. BRAMSTOCKER ASSOCIATION created in Nice, France in 1979 and emblematic of a new style of society like Solidarnosc in Poland, changes its name after the first wave of 1977 rock punk and the creation of the orchestra BRAMSTOCKER™. The non-profit is now titled INTERVISION™ with the goal to popularize the principle of the Information Age (newspapers, television, communities, cinema together on the same smart monitor™, a TV one). The future of the Internet is not only a question of business but also a cultural and social program managed by Frederic Vidal from France before his comeback in August in the United States. Meanwhile, the TIMEFRAMES office in Europe, Post Scriptum is in progress with a 6 hours theater marathon film about a family man, possibly with Jean Dujardin for a 3d tour de force about real France. BRAMSTOCKER (June 13, 2012), Beta Version. Editor-in-Chief: Frederic Vidal. The Rock is your destiny. The comet. It will not hurt our planet, our earth, one of a thousand ones (the exoplanets), but our head (thanks to the headphones of the Intervision audio™) with bands like Linkin Park (excessive but anyway, they gonna pay for that) and BRAMSTOCKER, a very old band never heard on this solar system as the censorship of the States (all the States but not our State of the Union) did not authorize it because of the press, extremely against our music since the Watergate, to my point of view. Rock, r o c k like no other word is the symbol of the humanity and the delusion of the planet (but is it really a planet or dream, a short dream?) The music is available in 3 basic demos for a draft of an album: BEST CREDIT CARDS. A new Era sur Terre. Extend my love (messianic) : The Sea is Not Enough (aquatic): Ship is solution (impeccable): 3 titles for the NASDAQ. BRAMSTOCKER (June 12, 2012) Beta Version. Editor-in-Chief: Frederic Vidal. Obama is also the name of a woman. Michelle Obama is the victim of herself, of her passion for the film, its community, its universe of competitors and so, she is responsible to be the new Marilyn Monroe, an African-american lady who loves too much to be famous and to make it known worldwide. She is married, her husband is not Kennedy and she must understand that she cannot organize trhe couples in Hollywood. This is not good, this is Human Trafficking and an independent commission will, one day soon, investigate about these practices. Otherwise, we need a new McCarthy commission (not only in a novel or in a movie). Denegation of reality is a lot more dangerous than delusionality. Michelle is not My Michelle (listen to the Guns’n Roses song now: about other troubles). BLOCKBUSTER (June 12, 2012) Beta Version. Editor-in-Chief: Frederic Vidal. He was a man with a lot of value but this value had a price and this price could not be paid. So, there was a latency. Her names were known and unknown but they decided to do a complaint. A complaint is a choice and a lot of girls did not accept to show their faces on TV. So, hiatus until now. The Human Trafficking is the worst event and not only on the red carpet. If you vote, you follow the lead, if you’re obliged to vote, you respect nothing. Christian Estrosi is a father of several children but not the founder of the City of Nice. The Romans were the founders and the Greeks decided the name of the town: Nikaia. A name of a woman more than a man that we want to forget as life is still going on and the children will not accept such a Mayor that is a shame for humanity. Delusional. BREAKTHROUGH (June 12, 2012) Beta Version. Editor-in-Chief: Frederic Vidal.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012 Christian Estrosi tonight is the subject of a lot of questions to be diffused worldwide: QUESTIONS WITHOUT A RESPONSE. He is guilty of a lot of good things that we call maybe bad things. Let's decide with a trial, if possible, a nice one, a Nice one with the CONSEIL CONSTITUTIONNEL in France only. A special edition of the newsletter BREAKTHROUGH while BLOCKBUSTER will tell you the truth about the film industry in Hollywood, the last place where people live together without peace and freedom.

Monday, June 11, 2012 Park: the next album available on June 26 for an arraignment. LINKIN PARK deserves the best critic about his new opus that is also a crime against the music world according to specialists who are promoting a deal. The band, probably harassed by the Human Trafficking sickness, is under fire of the press and public and private figures likes me. The splendid beginning of their songs in the 2000's is now far away and we must buy the LP for a complaint: obliging them to pay to their audience a real Fundation against the danger of their melodies and attitude when not controlled by the parents. Then they will accept to stop their career. BRAMSTOCKER newsletter. 11 juin 2012. Beta Version. Rédacteur-en-Chef : Frédéric Vidal. The Book that gives its name to the White House: Michelle. Mike Fuller, the famous publishing name, prepares the next #1 New York Times Best Seller, the obviously true Michelle about the wife Barack Obama. All the details about the First Lady of the 2010's who probably stopped her career too early with the Human Trafficking controversy in 12. A story that explains the network of the Presidency developed year after year for the supremacy of her husband by obliging leaders of the screen and TV to fidelize goers. In stores: after the end of the writing on the Web in September. BLOCKBUSTER newsletter. 11 juin 2012. Beta Version. Rédacteur-en-Chef : Frédéric Vidal. New York for a Lawsuit? The Trial. If necessary, we will organize a process of justice in New York City for the terrible issue of the Human Trafficking that created the big crisis of our times in America. The great witness Michelle Obama is welcomed in the Big Apple for a full testimony of what she knows about it. She's not the only one and the special judges will be glad to listen to others, members of the show biz and the government industry as they call themselves. BREAKTHROUGH newsletter. 11 juin 2012. Beta Version. Rédacteur-en-Chef : Frédéric Vidal.

Sunday, June 10, 2012 Alert BREAKTHROUGH! Today begins the media process against Michelle Obama and her team regarding their role in America inspiring the Human Trafficking. All week long. Exclusive. Rock is not dead, the vampire is the show biz. The show business is depressive sometimes, or even bipolar. The problem is the market that is smaller than before as conservatives don’t like music, especially Rock. They are wrong and it is time to be optimistic but not self-destructive. The A&R (artists & Repertoire) in the record companies must coach their stars and artists nicely, no threats, no crisis, no vampirism. The vampire is the one who inspired Abraham Stoker, Dracula, the hero of the band BRAMSTOCKER that is a self-made-group AGAINST THE MUSIC LABELS, believing only in the major companies, the cinema ones, because the music business is down and the labels killed him. BRAMSTOCKER (June 10, 2012) Beta Version. Editor-in-Chief: Frederic Vidal. The future of the Television: it is now. Television is the best creation of the human being for the human being. You don’t like it, you prefer the computer, you are wrong. Computers are not your best friends. They are you advisers and you must not use them more than 2 hours a day if you are smart. TV sets are the right screen for the total democracy, TV sets of the Intervision, the famous intelligent monitors, smart screens™ that will be available for the population of the United States first thanks to the PROGRESS (or lawsuits). BLOCKBUSTER (June 10, 2012) Beta Version. Editor-in-Chief: Frederic Vidal. Preparing Tampa and after Tampa. It is the United States and it will be. Let it be. In Florida, this will be a grand celebration of our so old party. After this mass event, our members will be back to the routine with an only motto: to win. But it is really possible? Not really if we are divided. This is not acceptable and we will entertain our troops for the November vote by organizing weekly programs of street marketing and social networking in town. BREAKTHROUGH (June 10, 2012) Beta Version. Editor-in-Chief: Frederic Vidal.

Saturday, June 9, 2012 THE PARTY IS OVER, Viva Germany but more goals next time. Megaton: waiting for the man. John: and his woman, the Oscar winner attracts his Oscar winner. 2 French for a Planet deal, to reach the #1 all times Box Office, more than Avatar. Let's go. Breakthrough / Blockbuster (Frederic Vidal newsletters). Timeframes LLC diffusion. An interview about INTERVISION(tm). Germany - Portugal: 1-0 (soccer's EURO 2012). Megaton: Jean plays his dad, his grand-dad, and the father of him? John: he will accept and Marion plays his wife as the ancestor of the family in 1910. She will leave 100 years. Breakthrough / Blockbuster (Frederic Vidal newsletters). Timeframes LLC diffusion. An interview about INTERVISION(tm). Germany - Portugal: 1-0 (soccer's EURO 2012). Germany - Portugal: 1-0 (soccer's EURO 2012). Megaton: for which project? John: a 6 hours movie for the Theaters (not the home ones) titled LA FRANCE ETERNELLE, inspired by the War Memories of the General de Gaulle, President of France from 1958 to 1969. Breakthrough / Blockbuster (Frederic Vidal newsletters). Timeframes LLC diffusion. An interview about INTERVISION(tm).
Germany - Portugal: 1-0 (soccer's EURO 2012). Megaton: Dujardin with Marion Cotillard? John: exactly, how do you know that? Breakthrough / Blockbuster (Frederic Vidal newsletters). Timeframes LLC diffusion. An interview about INTERVISION(tm). Germany - Portugal: 1-0 (soccer's EURO 2012). Megaton: A last movie deal? John: JEAN DUJARDIN. Breakthrough / Blockbuster (Frederic Vidal newsletters). Timeframes LLC diffusion. An interview about INTERVISION(tm). Germany - Portugal: 1-0 (soccer's EURO 2012). Megaton: Waouu. John: Yes, félicitations. Breakthrough / Blockbuster (Frederic Vidal newsletters). Timeframes LLC diffusion. An interview about INTERVISION(tm).
Germany 1. Megaton: thank you. John: that was great. In France, the subsidiary that is scheduled to get the licence for the I-Vision(tm) is POST-SCRIPTUM(tm). Breakthrough / Blockbuster (Frederic Vidal newsletters). Germany - Portugal: 0-0 (soccer's EURO 2012). Timeframes LLC diffusion. An interview about INTERVISION(tm). Germany - Portugal: 0-0 (soccer's EURO 2012). Megaton: Cool. When some previews. John: never before a world agreement. But I'm optimistic for the September LA meeting. Breakthrough / Blockbuster (Frederic Vidal newsletters). Timeframes LLC diffusion. An interview about INTERVISION(tm). Megaton: Why? John: I was sure that we can create a competition between the 2 I: Internet and Vision. The Intervision, future of the Net, is available now with other sponsors (my company and the major partners). Breakthrough / Blockbuster (Frederic Vidal newsletters). Germany - Portugal: 0-0 (soccer's EURO 2012). Timeframes LLC diffusion. An interview about INTERVISION(tm). SECOND HALF. Megaton: I know about the content of the Nurembergs! John Evan-Street: that's right. Each lawsuit is a 4 hours interactive program that can last a lot more. For Caesars, you have a lot of available episodes about each emperor and a special community site. Breakthrough / Blockbuster (Frederic Vidal newsletters). Germany - Portugal: 0-0 (soccer's EURO 2012). Timeframes LLC diffusion. An interview about INTERVISION(tm). Megaton: programs of Intervision(tm)? John: films, films, films. The FEATURE FILMS of Hollywood are the main program of the I-Vision(tm). You have also the newspapers dematerialized. An interview about INTERVISION(tm). Breakthrough / Blockbuster (Frederic Vidal newsletters). Germany - Portugal: 0-0 (soccer's EURO 2012). Timeframes LLC diffusion. Germany - Portugal: 0-0 (soccer's EURO 2012). Timeframes LLC diffusion. Megaton: like a robot? John: non, a smart monitor(tm) without a desktop (that will stay for the old Internet in the office of the dad). For the kids, from 12 to 32 and after, the Intervision(tm) will show the way to the next generation. A remote control - tablet and a vocal command(tm) will be the KEYBOARDS. An interview about INTERVISION(tm). Breakthrough / Blockbuster (Frederic Vidal newsletters). Germany - Portugal: 0-0 (soccer's EURO 2012). A Timeframes LLC diffusion. Megaton: The Industry deal? John: a fantastic deal. NEW MONITORS WITH A Computer next gen, a masterpiece. A Timeframes LLC diffusion. Breakthrough / Blockbuster (Frederic Vidal newsletters). Germany - Portugal (soccer's EURO 2012). An interview about INTERVISION(tm). Megaton: the I-Vision(tm) is the second step. John: kind of. It is necessary to have a Hollywood leading the industry of news and music and television with a Gates Galaxy production (homage to McLuhan)! A Timeframes LLC diffusion. B / B (Evidence Publishing, a F. Vidal company). EURO 2012: Germany - Portugal (soccer). The INTERVISION(tm) interview. Megaton: What about CAESARS. John: It is the first Nuremberg file. The origin. Roma. It is not a trial but an EPIC. B / B (Evidence Publishing, a F. Vidal company). EURO 2012: Germany - Portugal (soccer). The INTERVISION(tm) interview. A Timeframes LLC diffusion. Megaton: Several sequels? John: For each, the 1, the 2, the 3 and the followings. B / B (Evidence Publishing, a F. Vidal company). EURO 2012: Germany - Portugal (soccer). The INTERVISION(tm) interview. A Timeframes LLC diffusion. Megaton: And Watergate? John: you know the program?! B / B (Evidence Publishing, a F. Vidal company). EURO 2012: Germany - Portugal (soccer). The INTERVISION(tm) interview. A Timeframes LLC diffusion.