US Senate Candidate Frederic Vidal is a write-in one who could not get his validation to be in November 2 ballot because his petition of 77 names included 42 signatures refused by the State of California. Vidal wants to know why and demands a Second Vote in the Golden State as he is sure that his candidacy would have been successful thanks to HIS local and nationwide WEB POPULARITY! (to be followed)
Saturday, March 31, 2012
Friday, March 30, 2012
CRIMES D'ETAT-STATE CRIMES. Government Thriller: Public Opinion versus Private Powers. Fuller Franchise American French.
STATE CRIMES - CRIMES D'ETAT. Government Thriller: Public Opinion versus Private Powers. Franchise American French FULLER.
STATE CRIMES - CRIMES D'ETAT. The Government Thriller by the Public Opinion against the Private Powers. American French. BLOGFV
STATE CRIME franchise and reality. The Communique in French. HAUTE COUR DE JUSTICE. Vidal demande que Sarkosy soit juge par la Haute-Cour de Justice. L'accusation est relative au programme organise par l'UMP et Nicolas Sarkosy de harcelement sexuel, social et professionnel contre Frederic Vidal par rapport, en particulier, a l'egerie du candidat binational, l'actrice Blake Lively qui serait la maitresse du President autocrate francais Sarkosy et la victime de violences en France et aux Etats-Unis, selon des diffamations dans la Haute-Couture, semble-t-il, bien que des enquetes de moeurs et de moralite la concernant et concernant un President francais deja marie a l'actrice, mannequin et chanteuse ainsi que celebrite, Carla Bruni, soient maintenant necessaires en extreme urgence. Le but de cette campagne de diffamation accusant de crime d'Etat, Frederic Vidal et sa candidature a laquelle manque les 500 parrainages reglementaires, est de l'exclure de la vie politique en France et aux Etats-Unis. Sarkosy, inculpe dans de multiples affaires de corruption et de manipulation d'opinion publique depuis 20 ans, ne doit pas etre considere comme seul responsable de tracts et de coups de telephone insultant la personne de Frederic Vidal, en particulier. Son chef de cabinet, Guillaume Lambert, rencontre a Nice par Vidal serait egalement mis en cause. Frederic Vidal SAISIT MAINTENANT LE CONSEIL D'ETAT apres un delai de 15 jours sans reponse de Jean-Louis Debre qui a recu le 15 mars la declaration de candidature a l'election presidentielle de Frederic Vidal, residant a Nice, Alpes-Maritimes et actuellement en visite aux Etats-Unis en raison de problemes immobiliers causes par ceux qui le denigrent, tres certainement. Jean-Louis Debre est le fils de Michel Debre, premier Premier Ministre de la Ve Republique sous la presidence du General de Gaulle, et actuellement President du Conseil Constitutionnel. Fin du communique.
STATE CRIME in French. The Communique. Nicolas Sarkosy Merite la Haute-Cour de Justice Selon Frederic Vidal Accuse de Crime d'Etat Par Un President Candidat Menteur et Autocrate, selon des sources de presse et diplomatiques !
Vidal demande que Sarkosy soit juge par la Haute-Cour de Justice.
L'accusation est relative au programme organise par l'UMP et Nicolas Sarkosy de harcelement sexuel, social et professionnel contre Frederic Vidal par rapport, en particulier, a l'egerie du candidat binational, l'actrice Blake Lively qui serait la maitresse du President autocrate francais Sarkosy et la victime de violences en France et aux Etats-Unis, selon des diffamations dans la Haute-Couture, semble-t-il, bien que des enquetes de moeurs et de moralite la concernant et concernant un President francais deja marie a l'actrice, mannequin et chanteuse ainsi que celebrite, Carla Bruni, soient maintenant necessaires en extreme urgence.
Le but de cette campagne de diffamation accusant de crime d'Etat, Frederic Vidal et sa candidature a laquelle manque les 500 parrainages reglementaires, est de l'exclure de la vie politique en France et aux Etats-Unis.
Sarkosy, inculpe dans de multiples affaires de corruption et de manipulation d'opinion publique depuis 20 ans, ne doit pas etre considere comme seul responsable de tracts et de coups de telephone insultant la personne de Frederic Vidal, en particulier. Son chef de cabinet, Guillaume Lambert, rencontre a Nice par Vidal serait egalement mis en cause.
Frederic Vidal SAISIT MAINTENANT LE CONSEIL D'ETAT apres un delai de 15 jours sans reponse de Jean-Louis Debre qui a recu le 15 mars la declaration de candidature a l'election presidentielle de Frederic Vidal, residant a Nice, Alpes-Maritimes et actuellement en visite aux Etats-Unis en raison de problemes immobiliers causes par ceux qui le denigrent, tres certainement. Jean-Louis Debre est le fils de Michel Debre, premier Premier Ministre de la Ve Republique sous la presidence du General de Gaulle, et actuellement President du Conseil Constitutionnel.
Vidal demande que Sarkosy soit juge par la Haute-Cour de Justice.
L'accusation est relative au programme organise par l'UMP et Nicolas Sarkosy de harcelement sexuel, social et professionnel contre Frederic Vidal par rapport, en particulier, a l'egerie du candidat binational, l'actrice Blake Lively qui serait la maitresse du President autocrate francais Sarkosy et la victime de violences en France et aux Etats-Unis, selon des diffamations dans la Haute-Couture, semble-t-il, bien que des enquetes de moeurs et de moralite la concernant et concernant un President francais deja marie a l'actrice, mannequin et chanteuse ainsi que celebrite, Carla Bruni, soient maintenant necessaires en extreme urgence.
Le but de cette campagne de diffamation accusant de crime d'Etat, Frederic Vidal et sa candidature a laquelle manque les 500 parrainages reglementaires, est de l'exclure de la vie politique en France et aux Etats-Unis.
Sarkosy, inculpe dans de multiples affaires de corruption et de manipulation d'opinion publique depuis 20 ans, ne doit pas etre considere comme seul responsable de tracts et de coups de telephone insultant la personne de Frederic Vidal, en particulier. Son chef de cabinet, Guillaume Lambert, rencontre a Nice par Vidal serait egalement mis en cause.
Frederic Vidal SAISIT MAINTENANT LE CONSEIL D'ETAT apres un delai de 15 jours sans reponse de Jean-Louis Debre qui a recu le 15 mars la declaration de candidature a l'election presidentielle de Frederic Vidal, residant a Nice, Alpes-Maritimes et actuellement en visite aux Etats-Unis en raison de problemes immobiliers causes par ceux qui le denigrent, tres certainement. Jean-Louis Debre est le fils de Michel Debre, premier Premier Ministre de la Ve Republique sous la presidence du General de Gaulle, et actuellement President du Conseil Constitutionnel.
Watch SPIKE'S BIG EASY JUSTICE. TUESDAYS 10. SERIES PREMIERE APRIL 10, ORIGINAL. Supported by Frederic Vidal. Bounty hunting just got real.
SPIKE'S BIG EASY JUSTICE. TUESDAYS 10PM. SERIES PREMIERE APRIL 10, SPIKE ORIGINAL. Supported Frederic Vidal. Bounty hunting just got real.
Thursday, March 29, 2012 Visit RNC website. Vidal's letter to Roberts was the historic initiative for the choice of Tampa. FLORIDA!
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Tuesday, March 27, 2012 On Wordpress, the whole text to the Judge Roberts by Frederic Vidal demanding the protection of the US Supreme Court.
"I know the rule about being born American that prevents naturalized citizens to be President." Frederic Vidal to Supreme Court.
Frederic Vidal about Barbara Boxer against him: "I have the evidence of it." SUPREME COURT. Frederic Vidal letter to John Rober
Frederic Vidal: "I demand the protection of the Supreme Court to be a part of the Presidential debate." Sent to John Roberts.
Frederic Vidal: "I know the rule about being born American that prevents naturalized citizens to be President." To John Roberts.
"To be a part of the Presidential debate." TO THE SUPREME COURT. Frederic Vidal letter to John Roberts.
"I demand the protection of the Supreme Court." TO THE SUPREME COURT. Frederic Vidal letter to John Roberts.
"I have the evidence of it." TO THE SUPREME COURT. Frederic Vidal letter to John Roberts.
"I know the rule about being born American." TO THE SUPREME COURT. Frederic Vidal letter to John Roberts.
Sunday, March 25, 2012
Saturday, March 24, 2012
Friday, March 23, 2012
Thursday, March 22, 2012
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Monday, March 19, 2012
Sunday, March 18, 2012
Saturday, March 17, 2012
Friday, March 16, 2012
Thursday, March 15, 2012
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
Anne-Marie Olsson letter.
Kungsbacka Residents Roger Larsson/Maria Corneliusson
San Fransico 20120314
My name is Anne Marie Olsson 470606-5929
I did a against my homeland Sweden for violating the law on human rights
and for error in varden in my lifetime in United gotaland and Halland County Council. Anmalan to kvarsta send copies to the gar not meila to Attorney-General anmalan have been made to Justitieministedepartementet.
anmalan dar has been made to JK 20111230 kl. 14: 34: 27. The gar neither meila to banks and not for me important addresses are Postmaster delivery at Hotmail feilure pops up each gang, has spoken with data professionals pa Gran Canaria dar I have residensia now, point pa sateliterna. I s tilsagd to lamna country of lawyers
accommodation in hallands lan that also has been active in Wellington. Paspolisen in Wellington kanner.This s an old story that borjade already in 1967 when I married. I want to know what is the basis for a democracy as Sweden decides to intercept a newlywed small family. We know it, but do not believe it will, of course, from my Adoptive mother, who was very careful to install telephones in each residence, later at bytes
the apartment we had a neighbor of Finland who was at home all the time, and controlled every step I took, later after moving to Wellington kopte we a property by a man from Russia and lived next door to the GDR trading centre dar I know that STASI housed. We have always been skots amma manniskor. I want to know varfor we were bugged throughout each measure in the Cape, it's must be clearly against the law, all the time, it also comments on the Swedish Radio on my sat to be and if the children.
19830220 overnattade I pa Sahlgrenska University Hospital dar my nasa would rattas after a skiing accident in the slalom Hill. There are, of course, journals and rontgenbilder archived. This was done, but also made an application on hjarnan, this was done by nasan, ar bekraftat of lakare and researchers. Copy of the journals I had in my apartment on Gran Canaria and inquiries to forsakringskassan made of manpower envelopes ar blank everything s stolen by various forms of address and ring AB agd by Posten, the Swedish tax agency mm. for me important documents. The s Swedish people who made it, Spaniards would never front.Have been a tail by Swedes Lions-club-members, Swedish politician kandisar mm. around me.
Am now in the United States throughout the USA, forsoker undersoka address that was printed on the tax board form
Jensen Road 120 ca California. There are manga vagar with that name but not 120. The names were printed on the form was Lucia Kack 770602 Hector Kronstra Kack 780711 do not know how this is to be interpreted
Although I live in a town called Santa Lucia.
Now, hallas rattegang in Goteborgs District steering wheel 10,11, 12 April, against a man who masqueraded as police officer pa piketpolisen in Wellington and cheated us pretty manga pa money 96000 sek. What betraffar me. Igar spoke with the district steering wheel, fa CDs later said I can listen pa what sags. Poloisen in Wellington ar very upprorda. He has done the same past, the last judgment. Got da no punishment for allmaqn stallning. This ar an fruktansvart bedragligt behavior. Jamfor bars Romulan judgment a judgment against me in Varberg District steering wheel
byrarerna-20091214 Lawyers forekommer in bada rattegangarna and it s also those who asked me lamna Country Sweden. the sager to zigger much money pa that foretrada me in the wheel, who s the da that spends all this money said that judgment can stanga their offices, said fraga stallde I aven to aklagaren Steven peace, he could reply, malnr: B-16124/11 Tel: 010-5627000
Hope manga policemen come to rattegangen, to speak to the investigator.
We are so not steering wheel to reject svenskfodda people out of the country, according to the district steering wheel in Dublin
Omanskligt to live during the interception and overvakningskameror. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ violation of manskliga rights. Error in VARDEN it s clear, FRUKTANSVART to live with type a GPS pa hjarnan in 29 ar 20120220. It's must be removed for me to be able to live a normal life, everyone can folja me everyone knows I was talking to Sveriges Forsvarsmakt Ath, Sveriges Poliskarer Sapo SECURITAS etc. We have been able to navigate pa me all these Ares, now also allmanheten All research is pa SU of researchers-lakare-Teknikbolagen ERICSSON, SAAB ERICSSON SPACE now RUAG and GUARD companies.All this I have berattat for the police, which, of course, already know everything. Has also been tvangskord to Mental Hospital 2 times. of which I thought vanner, 2 times. of the police, the inla.
Last gangen Police hamtade mej asked about ursakt, everyone knows that I am not ar sick. THIS AR an FRUKTANSVART LARGE errors in VARDEN in 29 s, also a stolen childhood
aldsta child as also been equipped with this application pa ogonkliniken pa MOLNDALS hospital which also means savings in SU. And 42 MILLION for youngest child, that my ADOPTIVE MOTHER kara took to BORAS HOSPITAL OGON at 1 manads alder dar a LAKARE made a hal's oga with lazer, erkandeMy ADOPTIVE FATHER shortly before his dod. This ar cheap for SWEDEN. 1 million/ar for livslangt pain
USUALLY ANNE MARIE OLSSON 470606-5929 Frederic Vidal
Open letter to SVD Justitiekanslern Anna Skarhed Statsminister Fredrik Reinfelt Socialminister Goran Hagglund
Kungsbackaborna Roger Larsson/Maria Corneliusson
San Fransico 20120314
My name is AnneMarie Olsson 470606-5929
Jag gjorde en anmalan mot mitt fosterland Sverige for brott mot lagen om mannskliga rattigheter
och for fel i varden under min livstid i vastra gotaland och hallands landsting . Anmalan ska kvarsta
skickar med kopior det gar ej att meila till Justitiekanslern anmalan har gjorts till Justitieministedepartementet
anmalan dar har gjorts till JK 20111230 kl.14:34:27. Det gar inte heller att meila till banker och ej for mej viktiga
adresser Postmaster delivery at mail dyker upp varje gang,har talat med datatekniker pa
Gran Canaria dar jag har residensia nu, dom pekar pa sateliterna. Jag ar tilsagd att lamna landet av advokater
boende i hallands lan som aven varit verksamma i Goteborg. Paspolisen i Goteborg kanner till det.Detta ar en gammal historia som borjade redan 1967 nar jag gifte mig . Jag vill veta vad som ligger till grund for att en demokrati som Sverige beslutar att avlyssna en nygift liten familj. Man vet det men vill inte tro det.det kommer naturligtvis fran min Adoptivmor som var mycket noga med att installera telefon i var bostad, senare vid byte
av bostad hade vi en granne fran Finland som var hemma hela tiden och kontrollerade varje steg jag tog, senare efter flytt till Goteborg kopte vi en fastighet av en man fran Ryssland och bodde granne med DDR handelscentrum dar jag vet att STASI huserade. Vi har alltid varit skotsamma manniskor. jag vill veta varfor vi var avlyssnade under hela vart aktenskap, det maste vara helt klart mot lagen, hela tiden kom det dessutom kommentarer i Sveriges Radio om mitt satt att vara och om barnen.
19830220 overnattade jag pa Sahlgrenska Universitetssjukhuset dar min nasa skulle rattas till efter en skidolycka i slalombacken . det finns naturligtvis journaler och rontgenbilder arkiverade. detta gjordes ,men dessutom gjordes en application pa hjarnan, detta gjordes genom nasan, allt ar bekraftat av lakare och forskare . Kopia av journalerna hade jag i min lagenhet pa Gran Canaria samt utredningarna till forsakringskassan gjord av manpower kuverten ar tomma allt ar stulet aven diverse blanketter fran adressandring AB agd av Posten ,skatteverket mm. for mig viktiga dokument. Det ar Svenska personer som gjort det, spanjorer skulle aldrig forsta.Har varit en svans av svenskar Lions -club-medlemmar svenska politiker kandisar mm. omkring mej.
Befinner mig nu i USA Californien, forsoker undersoka adressen som fanns tryckt pa skatteverkets blankett
Jensen Road 120 ca Californien. Det finns manga vagar med det namnet dock ej 120. Namnen som fanns tryckta pa blanketten var Lucia Kack 770602 Hektor Kronstra Kack 780711 vet inte hur detta ska tolkas
visserligen bor jag i en kommun med namnet Santa Lucia .
Nu ska hallas rattegang i Goteborgs Tingsratt 10,11, 12 April, mot en man som utgett sig vara Polisman pa piketpolisen i Goteborg och lurat oss ganska manga pa pengar 96000 sek. vad betraffar mig. Talade igar med tingsratten ,kan fa CD-skivor i efterhand sa jag kan lyssna pa vad som sags. Poloisen i Goteborg ar mycket upprorda . Han har gjort samma sak tidigare, har last domen . Fick da inget straff for allmaqn stallning. Detta ar ett fruktansvart bedragligt beteende . Jamfor garna forra domen med en dom mot mig i Varbergs Tingsratt
20091214 Advokaterna-byrarerna forekommer i bada rattegangarna och det ar dessutom de som bett mej lamna Landet Sverige . de sager att de kanat mycket pengar pa att foretrada mej i Ratten , vem ar det da som betalar ut alla dessa pengar sa att dom kan stanga sina kontor, denna fraga stallde jag aven till aklagaren Stefan Freden ,han kunde inte svara, malnr: B-16124/11 telnr: 010-5627000
Hoppas manga poliser besoker rattegangen, ska tala med utredaren.
Man har alltsa inte ratt att avvisa svenskfodda personer ur landet, allt enligt Tingsratten i Goteborg
Omanskligt att leva under avlyssning och overvakningskameror.__________________________________ Brott mot lagen om manskliga rattigheter. FEL I VARDEN det ar ju uppenbart ,FRUKTANSVART att leva med typ en GPS pa hjarnan i 29 ar 20120220. den maste tas bort for att jag ska kunna leva ett normalt liv , alla kan ju folja mig alla vet ju var jag ar. Tala med Sveriges Forsvarsmakt , Sveriges Poliskarer Sapo SECURITAS m.fl. Man har kunnat navigera pa mig alla dessa ar , numera ocksa allmanheten All forskning
sker pa SU av forskare -lakare-Teknikbolagen ERICSSON,SAAB ERICSSON SPACE numera RUAG
samt VAKTBOLAGEN.Allt detta har jag berattat for Polisen , som naturligtvis redan vet allt. Har dessutom blivit tvangskord till Mentalsjukhus 2 ggr. av som jag trodde vanner,2 ggr. av Polis, inlast nerknarkad . Sista gangen Polisen hamtade mej bad de om ursakt, alla vet ju att jag inte ar sjuk. DETTA AR ETT FRUKTANSVART STORT FEL I VARDEN under 29 ar, dessutom en stulen barndom
aldsta barnet som ocksa blivit utrustad med denna application pa ogonkliniken pa MOLNDALS sjukhus som ocksa ingar i SU. Samt 42 MILJONER for yngsta barnet ,som min kara ADOPTIVMOR tog till BORAS LASARETT OGON vid 1 manads alder dar en LAKARE gjorde ett hal i hans oga med lazer, detta erkande
min ADOPTIVFAR strax fore sin dod. detta ar billigt for SVERIGE. 1 MILJON /ar for livslangt lidande
VANLIGEN ANNEMARIE OLSSON 470606-5929 Frederic Vidal
Monday, March 12, 2012 On Wordpress: Updated by Frederic Vidal! With Jack Lang In America, We Will Be In April For A Homage To Marilyn And A Sweet Conference-Screening In Washington, DC! Exclusive Wordpress: LETTER TO JOHN F. KERRY. Dear Mr. Kerry, I am inviting you to be a part of the so-great event regarding the
star who is missed by everybody in the United States: Mrs. Marilyn Monroe, the famous Hollywood Celebrity. Marilyn was the victim of a System that does not respect enough the
Human Rights and is confused regarding the meaning of the principle of work, especially for actresses, but also actors, obliged to sale
themselves as almost slaves. The name of Monroe is not respected enough in America where she was
born and could have been a Senator of California according to her historic popularity. We deserve a Marilyn Monroe Foundation in our Country to protect young people who begin their career in Los Angeles. There can be Human Trafficking of their body and their image and obviously their talent. The film 'ONE WEEK WITH MARILYN' shows the nightmare of Hollywood in the 50's and beyond. We want it in DC for a special screening that I
will host with Mr. Jack Lang, the previous Minister of Culture and Education and present Member of the French Assembly, an important leader of France, close to Francois Hollande, the Socialist candidate for the Presidency in April and May. We want the Democratic Party that always was a friend of Francois Mitterrand, the France President of the 80's and the 90's, to be the sponsor of this debate about self-respect and promotion of the artists in the film industry that cannot be only a business but a social and cultural production, unfortunately criticized by many as it is a
worldwide fame for our USA for the quality of the final result. With Jack Lang at the Newseum, the new and famous Press Museum in Washington that must accept to feature the French newspapers, we will celebrate the French and American Partnership about the Arts since
Lafayette. You are for us the right Senator and Presidential candidate who represents the American Dream we have the duty to support like our moviegoers going to see films from our two Countries. John Fitzgerald Kennedy who is still in Washington as a President who Rest in Peace at the Military Cemetery of Arlington, is the Witness of
this era of Human Trafficking in the Show Business of America. He was
a close friend of Marilyn who called him many times and also for Television and the Entire Nation. He could not change her life but did
his best to give her a status and a notoriety more than official, universal. He passed away tragically and she is gone too. For our Newseum screening and debate, Mr. Lang is the right specialist
of Cinema and Theater to propose us his point of view about the Impossible Couple of a so attractive actress not enough understood by
her Community and a previously Senator named John who has been her great adviser and valuable President. I will send you the definitive invitation as soon as I will have the time and day of the meeting. Very truly. Frederic Vidal
star who is missed by everybody in the United States: Mrs. Marilyn Monroe, the famous Hollywood Celebrity. Marilyn was the victim of a System that does not respect enough the
Human Rights and is confused regarding the meaning of the principle of work, especially for actresses, but also actors, obliged to sale
themselves as almost slaves. The name of Monroe is not respected enough in America where she was
born and could have been a Senator of California according to her historic popularity. We deserve a Marilyn Monroe Foundation in our Country to protect young people who begin their career in Los Angeles. There can be Human Trafficking of their body and their image and obviously their talent. The film 'ONE WEEK WITH MARILYN' shows the nightmare of Hollywood in the 50's and beyond. We want it in DC for a special screening that I
will host with Mr. Jack Lang, the previous Minister of Culture and Education and present Member of the French Assembly, an important leader of France, close to Francois Hollande, the Socialist candidate for the Presidency in April and May. We want the Democratic Party that always was a friend of Francois Mitterrand, the France President of the 80's and the 90's, to be the sponsor of this debate about self-respect and promotion of the artists in the film industry that cannot be only a business but a social and cultural production, unfortunately criticized by many as it is a
worldwide fame for our USA for the quality of the final result. With Jack Lang at the Newseum, the new and famous Press Museum in Washington that must accept to feature the French newspapers, we will celebrate the French and American Partnership about the Arts since
Lafayette. You are for us the right Senator and Presidential candidate who represents the American Dream we have the duty to support like our moviegoers going to see films from our two Countries. John Fitzgerald Kennedy who is still in Washington as a President who Rest in Peace at the Military Cemetery of Arlington, is the Witness of
this era of Human Trafficking in the Show Business of America. He was
a close friend of Marilyn who called him many times and also for Television and the Entire Nation. He could not change her life but did
his best to give her a status and a notoriety more than official, universal. He passed away tragically and she is gone too. For our Newseum screening and debate, Mr. Lang is the right specialist
of Cinema and Theater to propose us his point of view about the Impossible Couple of a so attractive actress not enough understood by
her Community and a previously Senator named John who has been her great adviser and valuable President. I will send you the definitive invitation as soon as I will have the time and day of the meeting. Very truly. Frederic Vidal Exclusive Wordpress: LETTER TO NANCY PELOSI (March 11, 2012). Dear Nancy, We are proud to be in touch as we are fans of your leadership at the Congress even if the Majority is now Republican. With Jack Lang, the French Statesman, we think about Marilyn Monroe, one of your California residents, more than 50 years ago when there was less rights for women in America. It is time to organize a seminar to study the rights of women and especially actresses lost in a Business that don't give them the key for success. Jack Lang, a great friend of Francois Mitterrand and the best Culture Minister and also an Education one, is invited to be our French Leader in America to show us the way for more SOCIAL DEMOCRACY, like Lafayette did with George Washington and you will be this George as you were selected by me to represent our Project in the movie industry in Hollywood and Nationwide. Marilyn was a true exemplary citizen, voting for the Democratic Party anytime and close to Kennedy, one of our Founders. She was an example to follow for Patriotism. No more fight, no more struggle for money or for fame, violence is bad: this was her message to the moviegoers. We have this problem with the Rock music now that is too much agressive. My band BRAMSTOCKER Is the contrary of that: peace and love again like in the 60's is our project. Rock stars, they are too much puppets to follow the rules of their music business. Monroe told them the truth, thanks to Andy Warhol: No more guns. This homage to Marilyn Monroe at the DC Newseum, we want it focused on the future by inviting the real hope of our Culture: Michelle Williams, brilliant actress who played our #1 Beauty-Minded Marilyn in the 'ONE WEEK' movie thanks to great producer Harvey Weinstein. We want them in Washington for an interview-event that can be historic with Jack Lang and you, of course. We would be pleased if you send to Michelle and Harvey the letter I'm writing as a message of solidarity with their cinema art about MM in order to invite the two of them for this Reception, French and American, to be set, next Month in April for the Spring beginning. I am really honored to propose you for a help that will improve the daily life of everybody in Los Angeles, the headquarters of your Campaign for the Congress. We deserve the truth about Marilyn. Congratulations for your fantastic work at the House. Best regards. Frederic Vidal PS: Terri McCullough, your Chief of Staff is the recipient of this letter by email. The 2 letters for Michelle and Harvey are in preparation.
Dear Nancy, We are proud to be in touch as we are fans of your leadership at the Congress even if the Majority is now Republican. With Jack Lang, the French Statesman, we think about Marilyn Monroe, one of your California residents, more than 50 years ago when there was less rights for women in America. It is time to organize a seminar to study the rights of women and especially actresses lost in a Business that don't give them the key for success. Jack Lang, a great friend of Francois Mitterrand and the best Culture Minister and also an Education one, is invited to be our French Leader in America to show us the way for more SOCIAL DEMOCRACY, like Lafayette did with George Washington and you will be this George as you were selected by me to represent our Project in the movie industry in Hollywood and Nationwide. Marilyn was a true exemplary citizen, voting for the Democratic Party anytime and close to Kennedy, one of our Founders. She was an example to follow for Patriotism. No more fight, no more struggle for money or for fame, violence is bad: this was her message to the moviegoers. We have this problem with the Rock music now that is too much agressive. My band BRAMSTOCKER Is the contrary of that: peace and love again like in the 60's is our project. Rock stars, they are too much puppets to follow the rules of their music business. Monroe told them the truth, thanks to Andy Warhol: No more guns. This homage to Marilyn Monroe at the DC Newseum, we want it focused on the future by inviting the real hope of our Culture: Michelle Williams, brilliant actress who played our #1 Beauty-Minded Marilyn in the 'ONE WEEK' movie thanks to great producer Harvey Weinstein. We want them in Washington for an interview-event that can be historic with Jack Lang and you, of course. We would be pleased if you send to Michelle and Harvey the letter I'm writing as a message of solidarity with their cinema art about MM in order to invite the two of them for this Reception, French and American, to be set, next Month in April for the Spring beginning. I am really honored to propose you for a help that will improve the daily life of everybody in Los Angeles, the headquarters of your Campaign for the Congress. We deserve the truth about Marilyn. Congratulations for your fantastic work at the House. Best regards. Frederic Vidal PS: Terri McCullough, your Chief of Staff is the recipient of this letter by email. The 2 letters for Michelle and Harvey are in
Dear Nancy, We are proud to be in touch as we are fans of your leadership at the Congress even if the Majority is now Republican. With Jack Lang, the French Statesman, we think about Marilyn Monroe, one of your California residents, more than 50 years ago when there was less rights for women in America. It is time to organize a seminar to study the rights of women and especially actresses lost in a Business that don't give them the key for success. Jack Lang, a great friend of Francois Mitterrand and the best Culture Minister and also an Education one, is invited to be our French Leader in America to show us the way for more SOCIAL DEMOCRACY, like Lafayette did with George Washington and you will be this George as you were selected by me to represent our Project in the movie industry in Hollywood and Nationwide. Marilyn was a true exemplary citizen, voting for the Democratic Party anytime and close to Kennedy, one of our Founders. She was an example to follow for Patriotism. No more fight, no more struggle for money or for fame, violence is bad: this was her message to the moviegoers. We have this problem with the Rock music now that is too much agressive. My band BRAMSTOCKER Is the contrary of that: peace and love again like in the 60's is our project. Rock stars, they are too much puppets to follow the rules of their music business. Monroe told them the truth, thanks to Andy Warhol: No more guns. This homage to Marilyn Monroe at the DC Newseum, we want it focused on the future by inviting the real hope of our Culture: Michelle Williams, brilliant actress who played our #1 Beauty-Minded Marilyn in the 'ONE WEEK' movie thanks to great producer Harvey Weinstein. We want them in Washington for an interview-event that can be historic with Jack Lang and you, of course. We would be pleased if you send to Michelle and Harvey the letter I'm writing as a message of solidarity with their cinema art about MM in order to invite the two of them for this Reception, French and American, to be set, next Month in April for the Spring beginning. I am really honored to propose you for a help that will improve the daily life of everybody in Los Angeles, the headquarters of your Campaign for the Congress. We deserve the truth about Marilyn. Congratulations for your fantastic work at the House. Best regards. Frederic Vidal PS: Terri McCullough, your Chief of Staff is the recipient of this letter by email. The 2 letters for Michelle and Harvey are in
preparation. Exclusive Wordpress: LETTER TO MICHELLE WILLIAMS - Dear Mrs. Williams, I am proud to invite you to a historic commemoration of Marilyn Monroe in Washington in April. This is the result of the great movie you did for the Cinema that advises us to open a second time her case. She passed away too young and we need to know why in order to protect the young actresses like you who are the victim of a dysfunctional system: Hollywood. It is the reason why I am also inviting the Supreme Court of California and the Press at the Newseum, the Museum of our Television and Newspapers Era. Mr. Jack Lang, French Minister of Culture of President Francois Mitterrand and hero-member of the French Assembly until now is the definitive Guest and Host of this official event with the participation of the United Nations and the UNESCO. You will receive by mail the time and date of this meeting with a Screening and a Debate about your 'WEEK WITH MARILYN'. I send this letter to you to the California Representative and previous Speaker of the House, Mrs. Nancy Pelosi who is our greatest hope for a better Country in America. Mrs. Pelosi will be happy to give it to you in Los Angeles. Best regards. Frederic Vidal
Sunday, March 11, 2012
Saturday, March 10, 2012
Friday, March 9, 2012
Thursday, March 8, 2012
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
The Saint's Musicians. San Francisco is the Center of BRAMSTOCKER World. The Band's roots are forever underground There. A music Headquarters for country punk. A VIP Network. Read Creative catalogue on Wordpress: TIMEFRAMES Publishing in i-Vision(r).
Monday, March 5, 2012
Friday, March 2, 2012
Bonus: Going to MEXICO. From BEST CREDIT CARDS. The Best of the 77 rockers! 12 DIAMOND COUNTRY PUNK SONGS. BRAMSTOCKER in 2012.
Best ballad : 12. Extended Love. BEST CREDIT CARDS. The Best 77 rockers! THE 12 DIAMOND COUNTRY PUNK SONGS. BRAMSTOCKER in 2012.
6. Back in 67. From BEST CREDIT CARDS. The Best of the 77 rockers! THE 12 DIAMOND COUNTRY PUNK SONGS. BRAMSTOCKER made in USA.
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