US Senate Candidate Frederic Vidal is a write-in one who could not get his validation to be in November 2 ballot because his petition of 77 names included 42 signatures refused by the State of California. Vidal wants to know why and demands a Second Vote in the Golden State as he is sure that his candidacy would have been successful thanks to HIS local and nationwide WEB POPULARITY! (to be followed)
Sunday, February 27, 2011 John Boehner, Eric Cantor and their clique of bad losers are dysfunctional for the Congress! Let's prepare the dissolution of the House of Representatives before the release of the film AMENDMENT! It is possible thanks to the Supreme Court that must check the financing of their election and unfair partnerships between Democrats and Republicans! WEBGRAM #1! Special Oscar Cancellation! Frederic Vidal accuses Blake Lively, Angelina Jolie and the worst Hollywood actor Brad Pitt to organize a campaign of defamation about his attractivity, fame and charisma in the movie industry! Frederic's lawyer will call their agents to tell them to stop this illegal process, certainly financed by Nicolas Sarkosy, a bad actor for France and an enemy from the beginning for Frederic Vidal! Vladimir Putin, Nicolas Sarkosy and all these celebrities from Eurpoe are promoting disaster stars like Blake Lively and succeed to create the disaster of Hollywood that we will not see tonight!b Bye Oscars! We will never forget you were the last ones for us! Vladimir Putin, Nicolas Sarkosy and all these celbrities from Eurpoe are promoting disaster stars like Blake Lively and succeed to create the disaster of Hollywood that we will not see tonight!b Bye Oscars! We will never forget you were the last ones for us! Don't watch the Academy Awards tonight! They are disturbing the United States! I did their promotion and they replied by defamation! They are manipulated by foreign Countries! INTERPOL must begin an investigation against Christian Estrosi and his wife Dominique Sassone, daughter of a close partner in crime of the French Al Capone, Jacques Medecin who was the mayor of Nice in the 70's and the 80's! Estrosi, a violent wannabee and a motorcyle star connected with the USA, was also chosen by Medecin to be his successor! Prince Williams of the United Kingdom, The Prince Albert of Monaco, a gay activist for more Jet Set, are also suspected of a coordination team and some traffics like illegal drugs with the political future of the Arabian Countries! The result is the revolution for which financial deal? Tunisia death! The United States will reply with their F-22 if necessary! The US Air Force is always ready for the democracy empowerment even if the CIA is 100% down in these Islamic States! Bin Laden is the Enemy #1, we will find him alive for a trial in Sinai! Mohamed Ghannouchi, Tunisia Prime Minister, is resigning after the President Ben Ali January 14! When Nicolas Sarkosy will resign? The hysterical French President is responsible of the chaos in Tunisia like the chaos in his life with the diva Carla Bruni! Christian Estrosi, the mayor of Nice and his wife Dominique Sassone are the reason of this matrimonial mess! The Bin Laden fan club in France must include these 4 liars and roommates of the local establishment! John Boehner, Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama did nothing to support the Tunisian government, too much busy to follow the French in their suicidal tendencies and attitude in the middle-East! Boehner means happiness in French and sadness for our Country, he is a clown, specialist of anti-American propaganda! The US and French are lying to their readers about what is happening in the Arabian Countries! Al Qaeda is not back but collapsing definitely as its fame is the poison that destroy the dialogue between the population and the authorities!
Saturday, February 26, 2011 I am a filmmaker managing my career with the rhythm of the political life! It's no the regular agenda for a spectacular new VIP talent in Hollywood but it's my destiny and life! I want to share this inspiration and this passion to feel synchronized with the news, CNN and the WSJ (Wall Street Journal) by releasing weekly press Webgram style of Press Communiques! Read, share, buzz my Production Strategy: A Political Journey in Cinematography! This is an Intervision Conference!
Special Webgram! LIVE ONLINE! The definitive Press Release about Frederic Vidal's AMENDMENT: A Film and a Proposition to change one rule of the Constitution!
Specioal Webgram! LIVE ONLINE! The definitive Press Release about Frederic Vidal's AMENDMENT: A Film and a Proposition to change one rule of the Constitution!
Read the starting point of my press release at, a website that is diffusing the right communiques at the right time! my-amendment-every-american-can-run-for-the-white-house-inspires-a-film-and-a-nationwide-campaign WEBGRAM #2: Writing in progress of the new Press Communique of the US Senate Candidate Frederic Vidal about his upcoming Feature Film AMENDMENT, a motion picture mixing politics and fiction regarding a screenplay written by Frederic Vidal who explains why the Amendment 'Every American can run for the White House' is so important for our Country! 3 parts in the movie: the preparation in LA of the historical text, a crisis in Philadelphia with a press conference attacked by a terrorist and the third part in the District of Columbia when the US Congress manages an investigation about the networks that organized the crime project against Vidal and his supporters, the population of the United States of AMerica, millions of followers of the Constitution of our founders, the Declaration of Independence signers! 1 DAY UNTIL OSCAR: 83RD ACACEMY AWARDS! Tomorrow 8PM ET/5PM PT ON ABC! You're Invited on Sunday with so many Stars of ther Big Screen!
WEBGRAM #1, 02/26/2011. Dissolution of the House of Representatives, control of the votes for the election of the Senators, November 2: this is what I propose to find a solution for the crisis! You have my choices for the Academy Awards on Facebook, let's the people choose who they want for the Congress in DC the same way, send an email to the President of the United States to support this project: MORE DEMOCRACY IN AMERICA! Right now, it's time for the vacation as March is the month of the Spring, day by day! AMENDMENT, the movie is my main goal before the Second Vote in California: I will be elected SENATOR before the end of the year 2011, bye bye Boxer, get back please and don't disturb us anymore! We need a break and no manipulation anymore! Yours, Frederic Vidal, PhD, president of the nationwide coalition for the Amendment and the Film inspired by it! The amendment: every American can run for the White House!
WEBGRAM #1, 02/26/2011. Dissolution of the House of Representatives, control of the votes for the election of the Senators, November 2: this is what I propose to find a solution for the crisis! You have my choices for the Academy Awards on Facebook, let's the people choose who they want for the Congress in DC the same way, send an email to the President of the United States to support this project: MORE DEMOCRACY IN AMERICA! Right now, it's time for the vacation as March is the month of the Spring, day by day! AMENDMENT, the movie is my main goal before the Second Vote in California: I will be elected SENATOR before the end of the year 2011, bye bye Boxer, get back please and don't disturb us anymore! We need a break and no manipulation anymore! Yours, Frederic Vidal, PhD, president of the nationwide coalition for the Amendment and the Film inspired by it! The amendment: every American can run for the White House!
Tuesday, February 22, 2011 For President's Day 2011, let's celebrate the African American population with Bo Diddley, Chuck Berry and B.B. King! When President in 2013, it will be a black mandate with my preferred community because we need more Hip Hop, Rap and Rock'n Roll in this Country!
Monday, February 21, 2011 The gas price is higher now and it must be the result of the revolution in the Middle-East that could stop from one day to another IF we communicate better with the population of these Countries, Lybia first, that needs our cooperation, a military one and a financial one! The American diplomacy is doing its best to promote a new partnership for more human rights and free elections, a partnership between the governments and their populations and a partnership between these so important States for the world freedom and the United States, the Land of the Free! The oil production is crucial for the Arabian Nations and the American authorities can buy more oil there to finance a process of reforms and social stability! The Bush Legacy and Family is our problem now, we are not comfortable with the feedbacks and results of a man who was under the pressure of 3 women and advisers too much specialized in war issues! With Jeb Bush for my ticket and George Clooney for my communication and strategy, I am sure to succeed to be A REALITY for the Voters at the end of a 10 months Race that will begin in January 2012! For now, the preparation of AMENDMENT is a 24/7 teamwork and the best way to have a constitution upgrade for the minorities and the majority!
George Clooney is Not a Statesman but My Political Advisor!
Is it a joke? Newsweek's cover and main article this week proposes George Clooney for President in 13 and already presents him as Statesman! What a nightmare for our population to think about a new Reagan without policy except a career of Hollywood star and a project of development for Africa! Meanwhile, there is a revolution in progress in the the Arabian Countries of the middle-East, it is a danger for the world if the United States are not close enough to the reality of these problems and Mr. Clooney has no idea about it: he is not a possible candidate for the democrats in 2012 and not a Republican, obviously! With the Presidential Party that promotes our Amendment project and the movie in preparation, we want Clooney to be only the new Cary Grant of our Film Industry and a political advisor for Africa first and ecology in America because he is a smart celebrity who does not want more than that! I will invite him in 2012 to support my campaign for the Presidency and the New America we need to forget the crisis and build a stronger Federation of our 50 States, the Union of Hollywood and Wall Street!

Friday, February 18, 2011 Barack Obama, the new Adolf Hitler, is an African American and with his wife Michelle, they are invited to an African Tour to see how we can improve the life of our allied States and stop doing gossips against me in America because I know Africa better than him and he is a fellow who can understand I am not only American but a Presidential candidate supported by a worldwide solidarity that a future President needs to be elected! The AMENDMENT is a movie that will create a wave of debates and upgrades of our national Presidential election year in 2012 because there is a market for films and a constitution for elections. Without elections, there is no real possibility to have a government working for the improvement, empowerment, progress of the society, a society that is ours, a real community of citizens meaning men and women, human beings in America, consumers and voters! With Obama, you have the contrary: the failure of a system of management that is Corporate Politics, a commercial style of White House that is toxic for our economy and culture, BHO won't be invited to the premiere of the motion picture produced by TIMEFRAMES LLC and won't be elected President a second time thanks to this film, maybe even not candidate!
Thursday, February 17, 2011 Obama Impeachement, When?? NOW! 24/7 RESIGN TYRAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The RAPTOR, the symbol of my New America! To fight to win! Forever and ever! With the US Air Force, all around the world! F-22: Ready, Steady, Go! Thank you Lockheed Martin! Once upon a time, there was a happy Country, with George W Bush and Frederic Vidal, then there were problems and problems again until 2008 and the Wall Street crash that created misery and disaster of our economy! We were in a panic mode that is now obsolete until the demission of President Obama impeached by us, the Coalition for Human Rights, we are not in Africa but in the First ever Democratic Federation of States since the 18th Century, in a new world of hope FOR EVERYBODY except the traitors of our Country who must be judged and condemned to a sentence without jails: public shame, a military decision after a Supreme Court study of this situation, happened previously at the beginning of the 19th century when the British burnt the White House by surprise!
Riots in the Middle-East: Vidal from the CCN building on Sunset, LA replies by a candidacy that is an Earthquake, Fred-Jeb and a series of Ping webgrams offensive inspired by the patriotism of the teamwork in progress for the production of AMENDMENT, a film about the daily life of a real change in America, more and more promoting FREEDOM and WAR to develop it, for now, until the space-time distorsion will be stopped in 13! It is the Unrest in the Middle-East, we cannot change history and we must be ready to prevent it to be back in the States as Alqaida is still threateening our 50 States with the crazy Bin Laden who understands us only a the Evil Empire! He is wrong, needs a reply with the CIA and a sabotage of his organization with the media of our Country and worldwide, without the UN, with freelance institutions of espionage of the terrorists he leads, you won't succeed loser, you don't threaten us as a matter of fact, we have weapons to break your offensive and their names are the names of our NUCLEAR MISSILES: the freedom family of the USA ready to explode in Russia when we want (no joke)! No more Clod War but a Hot one with a final countdow: NOvember 2012! We are One and so the Governors and their State Congress are about to begin the debates for the amendment we need in order to have a REAL democracy in this Country, got it? A Liberty deal for the women, the minorities, the bankrupted people, the foreclosure victims, the unemployed too and so on: we don't want crisis anymore in our families, companies, associations, universities, schools, coffee shops, streets, buildings, stadiums and supermarkets! Why? Because the sky is blue and the grass is green, drugs are illegals and it's not a shame, too many people play a bad game with this! We want more DEA, less FBI, a lot of National Security Agency, some CIA inside the territory and, of course, the Army in the streets if the security cannot be handle enough by the Police that needs more credits for a huge offensive against criminality and poverty! FBI must be the institution to reform, in emergency, it's a tradition only, not an operational organization in the 2010's as the losers are corrupted and they do nothing to stop it! More investigation by the Army (Air Force, Navy, Marines, US Army), can be the best, let's go in every town and check what is happening, with tanks and helicopters, if necessary, IF NECESSARY! But don't be afraid, it's not a routine alert but the end of the Terrorism era! On Twitter, Facebook, Myspace, Wordpress and everywhere on the Internet Vision, US Senate and Presidential Candidate Frederic Vidal begins his Earthquake campaign to say NO to the Obama team of losers including Boehner and the Republicans, unable to organize the Congress for the necessary Impeachement of the worst President of all times, Nixon was really better obviously! I am really focusing on the project to shoot a movie this Spring that can be better than the French Cop itself, a movie ready to improve the debate with the people of California that doesn't understand why I could not be elected Senator last November! I was boyccoted by a few politicians who wanted me as a newcomer unable to reach the campaign regular level (press, budget, networks, speeches) to get the result: the election of a Winner (the 1st in 50 States to have a permanent position in Washington, DC to promote the minorities - hispanic, jews, asian, european - like mine: the movie business people, an industry not an art at all)! I was ready enough but victim of my success: the petition of 77 signers required to have my write-in candidacy validation was refused, an unfair decision, because millions of dollars were atttracted by my strategy, not accepted by the bad Establishment, THE LOSER ONE! The winning game now is to support the Amendment proposition with a Coalition of citizens, suffragettes and social and industrial workers, ready to be at the Mall in Wash. for a brainstorming with the Capitol and the President who is not anymore the surprising icon he proposed to be but a ghost in a palace of the previous system of fame that he broke unfortunately for him not forever because we're back in town, the Vidal-Bush networks of insiders preparing to finish Obama by the Film and the Votes! AMENDMENT is a reality, a space-time project about building the return of the splendid America, a professional team of liberty makers! We want that! We already have it in 2012! You won't change this deal, I know you want it anyway, sorry for our enemies, they are LOSERS, after our defintive victory of 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 and 13! That's it! Frederic Vidal and Jeb Bush? A possible ticket for the White House? Yes, if we think that we are still the champions who can win in 2012 after the vote of the amendment we need to accept the candidacy of the most famous Political Man on the InterVision: the famous PhD competitor of Barbara Boxer of the Senate run in California: Frederic Vidal who was not born in the USA but in France, a State that he is not his homewtown anymore since 2006! Naturalized, immigrant and patriot, more than anyone else, the leader of the Presidential Party is looking for the right modification of the Constitution: New Americans can be Presidents and first candidates! Washington was wrong, Vidal is not anymore French at all, no risk of ingerence, his previous Country is 100% anti-him, so let's go, run for us, US oriented 100%, 50 States, it's enough to be happy together with a Federation that means an Union Vidal-Bush, a Pres and a Vice (Bush) preparing a plan to make better than the couple Obama-Boehner (2 losers and proud to be manipulating the population)! Past, go back to the past, future, be ready to open your door to Vidal-Bush: the duet of the year (according to students and teens, and the whole Nation!)!
Monday, February 14, 2011 MICK JAGGER at the Grammy's Yesterday: The Evidence that the Stones are back for more SATISFACTION for THE LAST TIME, Got Live If You Want It! The Grammy's yesterday: another ceremony of blah blah blah with Clive Davis everywhere as a liar about the rock history that is about to create the surprise now with this news: There is not anymore a ROLLING STONES website available on the Web! JAGGER IS FOR THE INTERVISION and Keith Richards is against the Guru of the music business bankruptcy with a counter-Rolling Stones experience with a dot com of his own solo career! Gra,mmy's: Dead, Stones: Not! After SCORCESE, the brand new band of London is about to be back on the road in the States with an EARTHQUAKE TOUR: Rolling the Union! Wait for more details on the IV (Intervision) after Brian Jones and Mick Taylor (a gay idiot) feedbacks against this project (they were 2 guitarists fired with a reason: they were spies for other bands)!
Sunday, February 13, 2011 The Internet is obsolete beginning today, February 13, 2011, because it refused the Intervision that we promote since 2010! Why? It is a loser format that does not want to be replaced or to help for the launch of the winner format! This is not a problem: the webbers are also TV watchers and they will get asap their WEB TV, a television that is not anymore the TV but the IV, the InterVision! Frederic Vidal confirms his opposition to Hillary Clinton and Janet Napolitano regarding the future of Immigration in our Country, the United States, for the preparation of the AMENDMENT that we need to end the economical, social and cultural crisis and the civilization depression! The feature film Amendment is about a reality, the candidate of the minorities, Frederic Vidal, is promoting a Constitution modification and improvement: to be candidate as a new citizen not born in the USA! The film is about the difficulties to vote the text as the US have the same Constitution since its creation but we are 10 years after September 11, 2001 and we are obliged to counter-attack to reinforce our Institutions! A Citizenship institute is necessary to give to the immigrants, after their naturalization, the background for a successful competition with the other Americans and a possible election even for the Presidency! George Washington was not American when he decided the Revolution against the Great Britain, our founder and his political partners, signers of the Declaration of Independence, are the best example of the style of victory we will have with one only community: the members of the Union of the 50 States: US! We are not a club but a dream made true, a Political Fraternity called a FEDERATION! Lafayette was French and did not accept to stay American but the hispanic population will create the wave to be the main network of US residents and citizens to support the change we want more than everything!
Saturday, February 12, 2011 US Presidential candidate Frederic Vidal decides to propose to Jeb Bush to be the second name of his Ticket for the White House! This is a surprising decision as Vidal is, 8 years later, a pro anti-Bush (George) legacy but, on the other hand, Bush's brother is a possible historical politician of the decade because he is more than a Republican and a kind of Mike Fuller decidor (Vidal does not want to use this brand Mike Fuller anymore). The Ticket is now in campaign! Jeb will reply next year to this project after Des Moines, or before if he wants (on the Intervision or on the phone)! To beat Obama and his wife (the real vice-president?), it's probable that Fred and Jeb will mean Win and Win all the time! Vidal who wants to get married soon criticizes the network of our Nation's leader for isolating him illegally on a daily basis! Frederic Vidal accuses Eddie Vedder to organize since the 1990's the sabotage of his band's career BRAMSTOCKER. Vedder and his Seattle (mayor's managed) group PEARL JAM was already inspired to harass NIRVANA and his leadsinger Kurt Cobain who committed a suicide, probably (or was murdered) because of an official competitor (PJ) that believed only in the charts and not in god anymore after they signed with a major and possibly the US Congress for a manipulation of the teenage population and the neutralization of culture upgrade! According to specialists, the death of Cobain could be reinvestigated! BRIAN DE PALMA invited to be the Director of the movie AMENDMENT! Is he too busy this year for this deal? He's already shooting a French copy of the FRENCH COP according to this Variety article! You never know, my assistant will call his voice mail to negotiate the deal: VIDAL-PALMA, 2 movies the same year, it's better than no movie at all (De Palma was refused by Hollywood after MISSION IMPOSSIBLE because of the lead actor's star name)! DE PALMA or nothing? No, De Palma and everything! He is pretty much the best to look at the story with the right camera eye of the MOMENT HISTORY! Amendment is also a detective film about the Camora! Pray for him (BDP) to accept! The Revolution continues in Egypt and all around the world as it is Saturday here on Hollywood Blvd where JAPANESE tourists are back for a massive wave of movie expression of a crisis' end: AMENDMENT is in every brain (and soul, and mind)! Never listen to Pearl Jam, they were fake grunge, HEAR NIRVANA (Cobain's last song)! US Senate candidate Frederic Vidal dedicates the Oscars (Academy Awards 2011) to his 2 worst Hollywood Shame Loosers (meaning personal enemies): the actor Ben Affleck (previously known as the girlfriend of Jennifer Lopez) and the unknown director (and not soldier), the ABC's Grey's Anatomy's Mr. Korn who refused to offer a speaking role to Fred on the set of his last background's TV show because of his Republican Party membership! Affleck refused to introduce Blake Lively to Mr. Vidal but it's not a surprise, he already did wrong before on the set of Pearl Harbor (the most famous defeat of the USA during WW2)! Affleck and Korn: soon with an Oscar called Vade Retro Satana! The United States Senate candidate supports SOCIAL MEDIA for the February 27th celebration (even if the AA are an obsolete routine process to get more audience in theaters and more sales for DVDs)!
Friday, February 11, 2011 Breaking News: Mubarak is not anymore the President of the great Egypt! Thanks to the revolution, the Egyptian Army decides now everything regarding the future of the situation in progress; the population in the streets expressing their critics and their ambition to get some modernization! The Army is the best government for the Country that must now think about the ancient times of this sacred land of the pyramids and the pharaohs who were building a civilization that is still there mixed with Islam, the impressive religion of the majority of the Egyptian people! So, Godspeed Egypt with more liberties and elections as soon as possible and congratulations to the troops and their leaders for the change! Bye Mubarack, 30 years: it was too long, really too long, tyran! Cahuenga Peak? Last year, we saved the Peak, there will never be a house built there thanks to the people who gave their money to buy it! Now, what is the next step? No information on the official website! We need more news to prepare the future of the Cahuenga Peak and a possible Recreation Area for the Hollywood visitors and the population of Los Angeles!
Thursday, February 10, 2011 AMENDMENT STORY, the explanation of a plot that creates a nationwide event around the true values of our Country: Citizenship and Government! TIMEFRAMES LLC presents AMENDMENT: A campaign is organized by a group of persons working for local governments in several States of the Union in the South of the Country, from Louisiana to New Mexico. In California, the leader of the movement is writing the content of a proposition of law that would change the future of the United States. His name is Frederic Vidal, he is promoting more human liberties and rights. The US Air Force is the main support of the famous social media celebrity who wants to develop his career by organizing a network all around the United States for an upgrade of our democracy: less violence and difficulties for candidates during the election process. During the US Senate competition for the November 2 election, Vidal was unable to stop the State of California objective to cancel his candidacy by refusing to validate his write-in petition of 77 signers. A second chance is to organize a second vote after the cancellation of the election of the California Senator corrupted and connected to the mafia. This is a possibility that is a first good news, it is time now to begin the promotion of a project of amendment to be proposed to the United States Congress, the text is: "Every American citizen can be candidate for every American election beginning the age of 18, naturalized or born on the territory of the United States". The goal of the nationwide decentralized offensive to have the amendment vote is to nominate a delegation in Washington, DC to speak with the President about this popular improvement that has to be voted by the Congress. Frederic Vidal and the delegates are invited in Philadelphia for a press conference. There, they reply to the questions of the journalists when a person in the audience try to shoot with a gun the California leader nicknamed PhD. The Private security of the future Senator, according to the press, succeeds to neutralize the agressive criminal and the investigation begins after the confirmation that the nation is devastated by the news about the murder project of the amendment proposition's author! The Congress creates a special commission to decide who is guilty after auditions of all the people suspected to be connected to the german activist, Wilfried Conrad who was killed by Vidal's bodyguards when he threatened him with a revolver. The Rotary organization, the Republican and Democratic parties and members of the Congress are on the list of the possible sponsors of the stranger who was identified as the president of a terrorist international association, KGB Next Gen. 2 previous Presidents of the United States are also invited to testify but refuse. The amendment is postponed until the end of the commission hearings. The Supreme Court is monitoring everything.
Wednesday, February 9, 2011 The AMENDMENT is a TIMEFRAMES LLC motion picture to be produced by Frederic Vidal for the Intervision (theaters, television, computers and merchandising). It is today the D Day of the most important film preparation of Frederic Vidal's career in the Movie Industry!
On Twitter: Frederic Vidal informs that a new TIMEFRAMES LLC production is in progress: the motion picture AMENDMENT! The film is about a reform:
The Project of amendment of the Constitution of the United States!
Text of the amendment: "Every American citizen can be candidate for every American election beginning the age of 18, naturalized or born on the territory of the United States."
The film notice of AMENDMENT is available on
The Project of amendment of the Constitution of the United States!
Text of the amendment: "Every American citizen can be candidate for every American election beginning the age of 18, naturalized or born on the territory of the United States."
The film notice of AMENDMENT is available on
Tuesday, February 8, 2011 The Intervision is not yet the main media because of the Internet that must change and accept the definitive mutation of its content and diffusion! The Gates Galaxy of the Intervision is upgrading our communication and will be definitive when the newspapers and the TV channels will accept it (next month in March 2011?)! I am the President of TIMEFRAMES LLC to promote the computer victory! Frederic Vidal is now my only signature for all my memberships on the Web and publications, on the old media (press and TV) too, for my US Senate and White House candidacies and my career as a Screenwriter, a novelist and a songwriter-performer! The names of Mike Fuller and Fred Kelly are not used by me anymore! Read my today's tweets for details!
Saturday, February 5, 2011 US Senate candidate Frederic Vidal Informs: NASA's Kepler mission releases preliminary results that indicate over 1,200 candidate extrasolar planets, 54 of which are located in the habitable zone. Congratulations to the Team that made it possible for the USA!
Friday, February 4, 2011 Egypt is still in Crisis even if the End of it is for Tomorrow, Satuday at noon (pt) because there is always a solution when there is a problem! MMXI begins! hhtp://
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Mike Fuller is the best creation of Alexander Dumas, a friend of mine who wrote about Egypt and inspired me this character!
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
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